Today is Day 9 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
Recently I attended a writing workshop where a lot of ideas and information was received. One main thought has stayed with me, and inspires me whenever I feel "stuck":
Don't wait to be inspired to write! Just write!!
Just put your pen or pencil to that empty sheet in your notebook...
Or place your fingers on the keyboard of your computer...
Those words I heard at the workshop inspired me. I jotted down story ideas, and wrote short bits about things I "remembered" about my life.
I wrote! I just took that pen in hand and wrote whatever came to mind!
Another workshop had me actually writing a couple of my memories and sharing them with others in the class...
That was hard; but yet...it was actually easy to share those memories.
The class leader shared her stories; and that inspired us all to write and share ours.
The definition of "inspire" according to dictionary.com is:
"1. to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence; 2. to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.); 3. to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought etc."
I walked away from that workshop with a renewed desire to write my story. Whatever that story may be, just to write that story. Even if nobody reads it except myself, or perhaps my family, at least it has been told.
We inspire others by telling our story. We inspire others by encouraging them to tell their story.
It's a domino effect:
We inspire and encourage someone else who in turn inspires and encourages someone else and on and on it goes!
Make it your goal to inspire everyone you can as you travel on your life's journey.
It truly is a domino effect! Just write...love that...so simple but so profound.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tara! Just finished reading today's posts! Keep on writing and sharing!