This week's FMF word is:
"My life, my every moment, my destiny - it's all in Your hands. So I know You can deliver me from those who persecute me relentlessly." (Psalm 31:15 Passion Translation).

I live my life moment by moment; day by day; month by month;
and year by year...
God has my future in His capable hands. He has my now in His capable hands!
I need not worry...
But, I do!
Of course I do!!
Yet, the question is still...
Why? Why worry over things that God has in control?
I am me! I am human! It is in me to worry!
Perhaps if I just turned it all over to Him...
Yes! That is what I need to do!!
Moment by moment...
And all the other times in my life when I try to take the controls, instead of putting it in His capable hands...
I put my trust in the One...the Only One...that can release all my worrying!!
"Join me, everyone!! Trust only in God every moment! Tell Him all your troubles and pour out your heart-longings to Him. Believe me when I tell you - He will help you! Pause in His presence." (Psalm 62:8 Passion Translation).
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