Tuesday, November 20, 2018


"My word for the year..."

This is something that I see or hear each year as we come to the end of another year and begin our "resolutions" and plans for a new one.

I have tried...

And failed...

Three different years!

First year:  Joy

Second year:  Hope

Third year:  Well, since I failed the first two years, decided to combine the two words and use Joy & Happiness!

That didn't quite work either; so I gave up the idea and decided to just write whatever inspired me!  That worked for a couple of weeks...

Just didn't "feel it", I guess!!

And lately I have felt a loss of the Joy and Happiness I once had.  I keep feeling I have lost Me and the person I was...

Everything just seems to be crowding into me and I have lost my way.  Lost the reason for everything I do.

I have lost the person I was.

I have lost the joy I once had, and the happiness that comes along with it.

But I am beginning to understand that it really is still there...

Joy and Happiness are right in front of me!

I just have to look for them!

And I really have been finding both joy and happiness...

Like in the wrapping on a Christmas gift from my Secret Elfster;

I found JOY!

And in the words of this scripture in my email this morning:

"The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving."  Psalm 28:7 (NLT)

And I realize the Lord is my strength and my shield!

The Lord gives me the strength to go on; and the shield to deflect anything that takes away my Joy that leads to Happiness.

He helps me to find what I have lost!

To find that which I have stopped seeing before me because I am not focusing on that but on the things that take away from it.

So, today I seek JOY!

Today I seek Happiness!

Thank you God for giving me the strength to go on; to see what is right in front of me!

And to find my Joy and Happiness!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Five Minute Friday - ONE

Five Minute Friday

Time for another episode of Five Minute Friday, a weekly link-up where we write for five minutes using a word prompt.  Check out Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday Community on Facebook.  This week's word is:


One day I will wake up in the morning...

Refreshed, ready to face the day.  No headache or aching back or neck and shoulders from sleeping on a not-so-comfy bed.

One day I will be greeted with a pleasant "Good morning" and a smile rather than a grumpy "Whaaaat?  Why are you looking at me?"

Sometimes I feel as if I have lost myself and the happiness and joy I once had.

Many days I wake up and just want to roll over and go back to sleep until I can wake to that time, a time not so long ago when I was happy and joyful.

I know it's there...

Because I find it when I am with my family and friends.  I know when I look at my "children" and grandchildren.  I find it when I share an evening with my crafting friends.  I find it when I share a meal with a friend I haven't seen in a long time.

I know at one time there was happiness and joy in my life all of the time!

 I know that one day I will find that happiness and joy again...

I know I will live out my days as the happy and joyful person I once was; the one that I know still can be found inside.  The one that enjoys life and wishes to share the happiness and joy with others.

That is my wish; that is my dream.

And last night I found the sign that assures me it will be so!

Just a small word on the wrapping of an early Christmas gift received from my anonymous Elfster sister at our gift exchange.

But, that one word - Joy - makes me realize that I do have that happiness and joy...and it's always been there.

I just need to look for it new every single day...

One day at a time!

Monday, November 5, 2018

31 Words of Encouragement - Day 30 - VOICE

Today is Day 30 of the "write31days" challenge.  Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes.  Be sure to check out each day's post here.

Day 30 of the 31 Words of Encouragement posts.  Somehow, I have been unable to concentrate on writing this one.

Not because of the word - voice - but just because I have had trouble concentrating on writing.

But...here goes!

Holding a conversation with my husband is nearly impossible!  With his hearing issues, and the dementia, he either doesn't hear clearly what I have said or doesn't understand what I am trying to say.

Then he gets upset.

"Well, you know I'm hard of hearing.  Quit mumble mouthing and speak up!"

So, I do!

I raise my voice!

I realize that raising my voice does nothing; but eventually he hears me!  Part of the problem is he automatically thinks I am being ugly, or negative, or disagreeing with whatever he has said.

Sometimes that is the case.  I have become frustrated and react in a negative way.

Not a very good thing to do!

I need to practice that "raising my words" instead of my voice.

We all have a voice; we can speak up to let others know how we feel, what we think, our desires and concerns, our opinions on the issues that surround us.

Yet, there are some who cannot speak their feelings or thoughts or desires or concerns or even their opinions.

In these days of terrorists and political "whatevers", we never know when what we say with our voices will be taken wrong.

Even our social media is full of arguments between perfectly "normal" people trying to raise their voices and be heard.

Can't we "agree to disagree"?

Can't we actually listen to what the other person has to say; allow them to share their opinions and respect that, to them, it is their truth.  We have ours.  They have theirs.

I literally hate hearing all of these political commercials where each party is trashing the other.  The next commercial that comes on is the opposing party trashing them!

I am so confused that I dare say...

I may not even vote in this mid term election!

Not a good way to have my voice heard!


Perhaps I have expressed my feelings in today's post!

I hope you are able to use your voice and share your opinions!  I can listen.  I may or may not express my thoughts on what you have shared; but I will not trash you for sharing yours!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Five Minute - Friday - REPEAT

Five Minute Friday

Welcome to Friday!  We have just completed another 31 day writing challenge using the FMF Free Writes.  I am almost finished; just one more to write and publish!!

Today is our first Friday after the challenge; and I am determined to make it to each week's Five Minute Friday with a post to share!

Today's word is:  REPEAT

Have you ever felt that each day is the repeat of the day before?  That your life is in some kind of rut, nothing new or changed as each day runs into the next?

Well, that's not how my life is!!  Each day may be a repeat in that it's busy and I'm running around like crazy and though it may be fun it's just so busy I don't know which end is up or down?

Yeah!  That kind of day!!!  And, perhaps that last sentence will give you an idea of how crazy things have been!

No worries!  It's the life I have chosen; or been chosen for?  Either way, some days do tend to run into the next without any memories of what day it really is!

The days I love to repeat are the ones spent with family and/or friends.  When we gather to celebrate someone's birthday or a special holiday.  When we share a meal and maybe even some presents.

Those days when I can hear the laughter of my grandchildren as they run from one room to the other playing with the cousins they don't see very often.  Or a family visit to the zoo:

The days when I hear the conversations of my adult children, discussing this new venture or how their lives are going in their new house or new job.

Even the days spent with friends, creating cards and scrapbook layouts.  Sharing what we have been doing in the "how many days since we last crafted together"?  Or helping each other with our craft ideas or upcoming events.

Our lives get so busy that sometimes we do leave out the things that make us happy or joyful.  Those are the things that make our memories.  Those are the things that we want to repeat!

How about you?  Are you ready to repeat that special day?

Let's do that!!

And share with me in the comments what day you want to repeat!