31 Days In His Word - 2016

This will be my third year of participating in the annual "write31days" challenge.  I am excited to be joining this amazing group of writers.

And, for the second year, I will be joining the Five Minute Friday writers using the Free Writes from Kate Motaung.   Christina Hubbard will be hosting this year's challenge; check out her site here  for more information.

{Be sure to scroll to the end, following the list of posts, for an exciting announcement!}

Each day's post will be shared on this page, as listed below; please note the first five posts will link back to my "old" blog as I begin changing the remaining posts to this new start in my blogging!

Day 1 - Walk
Day 2 - Paint
Day 3 - Wardrobe
Day 4 - Brew
Day 5 - Silence
Day 6 - You
Day 7 - Test {FMF}
Day 8 - Muddle
Day 9 - Post-It
Day 10 - Unknown
Day 11 - Thanks
Day 12 - Sky
Day 13 - Aware
Day 14 -  Mail {FMF}
Day 15 - Move
Day 16 - Little
Day 17 - Study
Day 18 - Neighbor
Day 19 - Notice
Day 20 - Weekend
Day 21 - Park {FMF}
Day 22 - Off
Day 23 - Blow-Out
Day 24 - Global
Day 25 - Sign
Day 26 - Confront
Day 27 - Bouquet
Day 28 - Eat {FMF}
Day 29 - Date
Day 30 - Cut
Day 31 - Only

I am also excited to announce the "Five Minute Friday" Book of which I am one of the contributors!

This collection of stories have been compiled by Susan Shipe and includes many of the Five Minute Friday posts from the past few years.

All proceeds from the book will be divided equally between two special ministries in South Africa:

The Vine School
Cape Town, South Africa


South Africa

To order your copy of the "Five Minute Friday" book, and help support these two ministries, go to Amazon.com.

And be sure to share this information with your family and friends!  Let's flood the Internet with orders for the book and donations for these ministries!

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