Thursday, July 27, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - July 24, 2017

July 24, 2017

Looking Out My Window:
Not a typical Monday morning; yet, perhaps it is!

At 5:55 am my head was splitting with sinus congestion and I was not ready to get up!  So, I took sinus medicine and laid back down.  I did fall back asleep...eventually!

And woke up again at 8:45 am!!

Did not intend to sleep so late; but I guess I needed it...and now I am very energetic!

Outside my window?  The sun is shining brightly; it's a beautiful day so far.  But, the rain will come; sometime around lunch time, they just said on TV.  The rain will fade, but the heat will remain...

Oh, Well!!  It's an inside day for me anyway!  Getting chores done so I can have a fun week the rest of the days!

I Am Thinking:
I need to get it all together...for real!

Not the things that I need to take to a retreat; but the things I need to have on hand for if/when anything happens that I cannot put my hands on the important things:  birth certificates; marriage license; social security cards and info; passports; wills (need to have one first!); insurance documents...things like that!

Why think about this?  It's important!!  I don't want my kids to have to wonder where things are.  I may be able to find things in this mess of a craft/computer/whatever room; but I don't want them to have to dig around to find what they need.

I Am Thankful:

For a loving family; for friends who care; for a church home where I am welcome and matter how many Sundays I have missed!

I walked into the Sanctuary at our church yesterday morning and felt as if I were walking into a new place...full of people that I knew!  It was wonderful; and it was special to be greeted by "family".

One of My Favorite Things:
Living a flexible life; one where I can do whatever I want, at whatever pace I wish...

Yet, I can still finish what needs to be done and still have time to do fun things...

Like spending some time putting together a couple of layouts, including finding photos that can be added!

That's flexibility...

That's retirement!

I Am Creating:
Saturday I joined a few of my friends at our crafting place - that is actually the name of the place where we craft...Our Crafting Place, or OCP!!  It is three storage units side by side with the walls taken down, making a nice space for scrapbooking.  With fans all over the room, it's actually a nice place for crafting even in the heat of the day, most days!

I was very productive!  I created two one-page layouts to add to my Keller's Creations retreat pages.  And, finished two of the three layouts from a class I took, "Scrap without Scraps".

Now, to order photos to add to these pages!!

I Am Wearing:
My gray pajama bottoms and a loose-fitting, comfy black and gray night shirt...and a pair of white socks with pink hearts on my feet!

I Am Reading:
Still reading "The Best of Me" by Nicholas Sparks.  Now, I know I have seen this as a movie; still not sure about reading it.  But, it's good and I can't seem to put it down...

But, I have things to do today!!

I Am Hoping:
For a productive week.  Since I don't have a lot of places I need to run out to each day, I can actually get some things done around the apartment.

I really do plan to get these boxes in some kind of order so I can get to the table and continue sorting photos!

My determination is certain!!

I Am Learning:
Sometimes I feel I am not learning the lessons of life that need to be learned:

Like keeping my mouth shut when hubby says something hurtful.

But, I am learning that when I do keep my mouth shut, it really doesn't hurt as much because he goes on as if nothing has even been said.

Unfortunately, that is how it is with dementia!  And, if I can learn the lessons, life will be easier for me.

In My Kitchen: 
So far this morning I have eaten breakfast and put the rest of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.  It is almost finished running!

I have cleaned out the microwave and swept the kitchen floor.

The towels are in the washer, waiting for the dishwasher to finish.

A package with two ham steaks are on the counter thawing for dinner.  Not sure what will go with them; but I have veggies in the freezer and potatoes in the cabinet!

It's what's for dinner...

Post Script:

I have been trying to read more of my blogging friends' posts - again!  I don't always get take the chance to do so; but whenever I do, I am not disappointed.

My friend, Karen, has been on a journey to healing after childhood sexual abuse.  Her words always seem to resonate with me and fill my soul with hope, though my journey is different than hers. 

Karen is learning to let her voice be heard; and through the words of her blog, she shares her journey.

We all struggle at one time or another to have our voices heard.  Whatever journey we each may be on, her words may be inspirational and helpful to you as well.

Read Karen's words here.  Perhaps her voice will inspire you on your journey to find your voice!

Shared Quote:

I have many friends that fall into that category!  They are a special part of my life; whether I know them personally, or we have just connected online...they are still an important part of my life.

Thank you, Friend, for your friendship!

A Moment From My Day:
I love spending a nice Sunday afternoon with my family!  When we all get together, we don't really have to do anything; just being together is special.

While three of the grandkids were playing nicely upstairs (the 3, 6 and 9 year olds); the 17 year old was sketching beside me on the couch; and the 4 year old was walking (running?) back and forth laughing happily...

The husbands were relaxing; some were actually sleeping; one was openly bored...

And my two daughters and I were enjoying "Beauty and the Beast."  The "boys" were not impressed!  But, I had not seen it before; my older daughter had seen it once, by herself; and the younger one had borrowed the video and seen it twice by herself!

I loved it!!  Hopefully in the future, when a "girly" movie comes out, we can go see it and just leave the "boys" with the kids!!

And so ends another post for the Simple Woman's Daybook blog...these days are just going by way too fast for me!  This is the perfect way for me to keep up with "what's happening"!

Join me again next week for a look into this simple woman's day...

Friday, July 21, 2017

Five Minute Friday - COLLECT

Five Minute Friday

It is time to link up with the Five Minute Friday community of writers for this week's post!

For more information on Five Minute Friday, check out the five minute friday community on Facebook.  And, after writing your own post, share it on the weekly five minute friday link-up.

This week's word is:


Look around...

I have collections every where!

  • In the hall closet is a basket full of my Beanie Babies and a few other small stuffed animals!

  • On top of the cabinet in my craft room - though it's a bit dusty - are my ceramic turtles, manatees, jaguars, goats and a few kittens.

  • At the back of that cabinet is a small wall hanging curio filled with miniature dishes and other things I have collected.  There are also a couple hanging on the wall beside my computer.  A lot of these miniatures belonged to my grandmother.

  • Scattered all around my craft room are supplies for creating scrapbook layouts, cards and other things.  It seems I "collect" these items since I have so much of it!  It's hard to use it all up; so I consider it my collection...

  • well as the collection of scrapbooks that are complete and those that I am still working on!

  • I also collect projects:  tags and cards and other things that I have made and swapped with others.  They are either in binders or boxes; never sure how to "display" things with all the dust around!

  • I also have a collection of books!  Some are waiting to be read and passed on or taken to the used book store when I am finished.  Others are from fave authors that I don't want to part with; but in the name of de-cluttering, I have been getting rid of some.  Being an avid reader, I have to have something to pick up and read once I finish what I am currently reading.

So, these are my collections!  If I was really energetic, I'd get photos of all of these things; but that's not going to happen today!!  I am happy that I have written this post...

{No, I didn't write this piece in five minutes; and I am sure my time is up!}

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - July 17, 2017

July 17, 2017

Looking Out My Window:
At 4:00 p.m. the rain is falling.  The thunder rolls across the building like a bowling ball.  Every once in a while I see a flash of lightning.

The cat is in her "bomb shelter" where she heads when the storms are coming; other times, it serves as our walk-in closet!

I just woke from a nap.  Something about rain, and exhaustion, and stretching out on the couch just calls for a nap!

It's a good day to stay home and catch up on my rest after a couple of busy weeks, including the weekends!

I Am Thinking:
Not much thinking being done!  I am totally exhausted after a great weekend.

Not very often do I have retreats that are back to back...

One weekend ending and barely time to get things organized before it's time for another one.

This month was special!  One of the retreats was a once-in-a-lifetime event; though I hope to be able to attend more of them.

Now I have about four weeks before heading out of town for another one, the Crop for a Cure fund-raising retreat.

I Am Thankful:
For women in my life - "old" friends as well as "new" friends - who inspire, encourage, love, care, advise, kindly "reprimand" when needed, share, love some more, make me laugh out loud (LOL), and let me shed tears on their shoulders!

Thank you, God, for these women!  You know who they are; I know who they are.  And though they may not realize it, they do all of the above for me!!

One of My Favorite Things:
After two full weekends of crafting and being with other "crafty" friends, I must say one of my favorite things is...

Spending time with my crafty friends!

{I bet those who know me well thought I was going to say "scrapbooking"!!  But, I think it's really the people I do crafts with that make it so much fun!

Some times, I just socialize and don't get much crafting done...and that's OK!}

I Am Creating:
Oh, I have created so much over these past two weekends!

Check out the photos from these retreats on my Facebook page here

I Am Wearing:
My gray shorts that I wear for those "stay-home" days when I am doing laundry or cleaning; a purple shirt and a pair of red and green Christmas socks...

Well, they keep my feet warm!

I Am Reading:
After reading "Love Story" and "Bitter Harvest", I put off doing any more reading.  I was focused on getting things together for the retreats!

But, I'm never long without a book to read...

So, today I started reading "The Best of Me" by Nicholas Sparks.  I am sure I've seen this in movie form; and also almost sure I've read it.  But, it's been long enough that I'm reading it again!

And, I found another book, "Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia" by John Dunlop, M.D.  Sounds like just the book I need!

Check out the information on this book here.  I think it's just what I have been needing!!

I Am Hoping:
To get a little rest tonight; finish up a few things tomorrow...

But to also spend some time with my daughter and two grandsons before I go for my monthly massage!

I Am Learning:
Still not learning the lessons yet!  But, maybe I am getting closer?

What I do know, is this is hard! I don't want the hard; I want the easy!!

In My Kitchen: 
Spaghetti!  It's what's for dinner...

Which means, tomorrow we have spaghetti again!

And, today (Wednesday) we finished our shopping.  I bought veggies and fruits and salad stuff...

Hope I can eat better with these few healthy things!

Post Script:

I was so impressed with the two women who held the retreat last weekend, and I want to share their blogs so you can "meet" them too!

Kim Hyde is the owner of Keller's Creations and the one who hosts retreats in various locations several times a year.  She also has a line of scrapbook supplies that make creating layouts much easier.  I loved her story; I loved her attitude and open-ness as well as her acceptance of others!  And, well, I just loved her!!

Check out Kim's blog here.

Lisa Bearnson has been a part of my scrapbooking history for many years.  She is the one who published a magazine back in 1997 called "Creating Keepsakes".

I subscribed to this magazine in my early days of learning to scrapbook and preserve our memories.

I still have a few of the special edition books she published, and took one with me to the retreat.  Lisa was hilarious carrying the magazine around and showing everyone what she looked like "back then".

Check out Lisa's blog here.

The entire weekend was amazing; the ladies I met were helpful and fun and caring and...

These two women lifted my spirits and helped me re-focus on the reason I ever started scrapbooking!

It's all about the memories!  Making them; and preserving them!

Shared Quote:

Image may contain: coffee cup and drinkThis is what getting away for retreats does for me!  I am refilling my soul and replenishing my spirit so I can put one foot in front of the other all of the other days!

And the retreat this past weekend was one that uplifted and inspired so much more than I could have ever imagined!

A Moment From My Day:
No matter how stressful and hard the day may be, we can almost always find something to laugh about!  Usually it comes in the form of something we are watching on TV...

Tonight, it was America's Funniest Home Videos.  Those can be so hilarious; how can you not laugh at them!?

And as quickly as the past two weekends went, another week of Simple Woman's Daybook has been completed!

Join me again next week for a look into this simple woman's day...

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Five Minute Friday - PLAY

Five Minute Friday

Though I am not always where I can write a Five Minute Friday post on Thursday night, or even Friday, I really enjoy connecting with this community of writers!

So, here I am on Tuesday morning, writing my post...

For more information on Five Minute Friday, check out the five minute friday community on Facebook.  And, after writing your own post, share it on the weekly five minute friday link-up.

This week's word is:

Children have no problem finding things that make them happy.  They will play with a stick and an old can if that's all they can come up with!

Even adolescents find their play in sports such as baseball or football or basketball; or even just kicking or throwing a ball around.

Once we have hit adulthood, our play comes to a screeching halt!

Or, does it?!

While still working, I found this hobby called "scrapbooking"...

Call it an obsession or just the opportunity to play with paper and scissors...but I am so relaxed when I am creating things.  Not only does it keep me happy, but I can also just let my mind wander.

More recently I discovered these stamps that are "like" paper dolls!  The Julie Nutting Prima doll stamps are awesome, and so fun to stamp and cut clothes from pretty patterned papers.

Every time I am shopping, I spot patterns that I think, "Oh, that would make a beautiful dress for Lorena;" or, "This is really perfect for Sea Sallie, the mermaid stamp."

Yes, I think of them by name!!

Below are two tags I made using Lorena and Sea Sallie...

This is the time I play and enjoy the creating process.  And, most of the time when I am playing, I am with my friends who are creating just like I am!

So, no matter how young or old you may be, make sure you find something that makes you happy!  Make sure you play a little every day!!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - July 3 and 10, 2017

July 3 and 10, 2017

Looking Out My Window:
What can I say?  The days are so routine that you probably know what today brings...

Mowers and mowing and sounds of the guys out there keeping our apartment complex fresh and clear of branches and other hazards of rain-filled days!

And, will there be rain again today?  We will see...

Those afternoon showers are typical for this time of year.  Luckily, I am only going out briefly this morning!

And, on this afternoon of July 10th, it's about the same as last week!

I Am Thinking:
Ever since the "Love Story Tour" last week with novelist Karen Kingsbury...

I have been thinking of my own "love story".  And have already started drafting some of what I may include.

Will this book be published?  Probably not!  But it could be shared on my blog...

Too busy this past week and weekend to give this any more thought!  Now, I am thinking about more upcoming retreats and events and how to budget myself to attend them!!

I Am Thankful:
What can I say?  I am thankful for so much; yet, sometimes I miss the "little things" that make the days a little easier to handle.

Here are some of the "little things" that my husband does for me:

  • Helping me to load and unload my craft supplies for all-day events, or even for those weekend events;
  • Making up the bed and folding the towels to put away;
  • Thanking me for a dinner, no matter how long it took me to make it...even for leftovers;
  • Taking my car to put gas into it;
  • Making sure I have a decent parking spot in front of our apartment building.
  • Waiting up for me to get home after crafting all day, even it it's after 11:00 pm!

I know there are more; these are just a few of the "little things" that keep me going.

One of My Favorite Things:
Is it OK to like being alone?  To enjoy the quiet and solitude, and do just what you want and when you want to do it?

I love the mornings when I can stretch out in the bed and just think; or go back to sleep.

To get up when I am ready not when the TV wakes me up.

To sit in front of the TV if I want, and watch what I want...even watching part of a movie and into the next one!

Back to back movies!  That is what I did Sunday morning...

And, I loved it!

And today after a weekend of crafting?  I am exhausted, but trying to put things away a little at a time!

I Am Creating:
Saturday at our Girls' Day Out all-day craft event, I was able to finish a couple of projects and start one that needs to be ready for this weekend.

I may end up finishing that one project tomorrow, the 4th of July...Yes!  There may be a group of us scrapbooking on the 4th!

I was very productive at this weekend's retreat, finishing several things I had wanted to work on.

Planning projects for next week's retreat; small projects because I will be taking several classes during the weekend.

I Am Wearing:
A pair of denim capris and a bluish/green shirt, and my sandals...not normal for me to be wearing actual shoes in the house; but am getting ready to leave in a few minutes.

Today I am still in my pajamas at 1:00 pm!!  I am wearing a pair of pink and purple flowered pj's and socks on my feet (they were cold last night!).

I Am Reading:

After hearing this wonderful novelist and storyteller the other night, I just had to buy her book...and they had autographed copies available at the event (of course!)...

So, I started reading her book "Love Story" the next morning and am having a hard time putting it down!

Check out this website for more information on her book tour:  Karen Kingsbury Love Story Tour

I finished "Love Story" in record time!  Then, started reading "Bitter Harvest" by Ann Rule; a true crime story.

I Am Hoping:
My husband doesn't get upset when I tell him (today) that I will be attending a retreat this weekend.

Normally I come home at night to sleep and then go back the next morning; so I will only be gone during the days, Friday through Sunday.

{And he took it just fine!  As long as he has food, his medication set up for him, and a little money in his pocket, he will be just fine!}

And he did just fine while I was gone.  Now to let him know it happens again this coming weekend!!

{And he took that one just fine, too!  I think he is getting used to me being away scrapbooking on the weekends!!}

I Am Learning:
What am I learning this week?  That I really do need the times away from home that I am able to get...

Whenever I go away, my husband really does miss me.  I realize that!  And, I think he needs to miss me so he understands just what I do for him.

But, with dementia, I don't think he really sees it!  And, I am learning day by day just how this "dementia" really takes so much away from a person.

Though he is able to stay alone for short periods of time, I realize that will come to an end sooner than later...

Today I am learning that I am so truly blessed!  I am learning to say "thank you" to the many things my friends do for and with me; and to the things they give to me...things that are not cheap or inexpensive but that they no longer have a need for.

In My Kitchen: 
It is fairly clean; and leftovers are on the menu for tonight.  I'm not sure what I'll fix with those bar-b-que hot dogs; but they are soooo delicious!

Thank you to my friend who gave me the leftovers!

And what is in my fridge now?  Some fried chicken, bread, pasta and pizza left from a couple of the meals at the retreat.

Guess what's for dinner?!

Shared Quote:
From the very last paragraph in "Love Story":  "...Their love story had not been easy.  But they ended up just where they needed to be.  Together."

And I wrote:  "Amen!  God uses our mistakes to help us grow into who He wants and needs us to be...This is the Baxters' story; is this my story, too?!"

A Moment From My Day:
I was very productive in finishing a few projects this weekend...some things that I had wanted or needed to do.  Now, to put together what to work on next weekend...didn't I already say that?!  I am repeating myself trying to get this finished today!!

And with the ending of another month in the year 2017, so ends another week of Simple Woman's Daybook!

Join me again next week for a look into this simple woman's day...