Write 28 Days 2019

This caught my eye a few months ago:

"Twenty-eight days,
28 blog posts.
Are you in?"

Another month-long challenge.  Hosted by Anita Ojeda, I was IN.  I wanted to join another writing challenge; and like the October Write 31 Days challenge, it requires me to write every day.

I did not give it a lot of thought at first; creating a title or a theme or event jotting anything into my notebook.  I put very little thought into it...

But, here I am!  A little late to the game, but I am working on getting there...


Well, it's a challenge!  And I am hoping it will encourage me to keep writing; to keep sharing my journey as caregiver of one who has dementia...

Writing a post every day was appealing a couple of month's ago.  Then, things changed around here.  Nothing major.  I knew it was coming...

But, well maybe I am getting ahead of myself!

It is Day 3 and I am just starting!!  I have decided to see what I could do to "catch up".

In my daily personal journal, I don't do that; I don't try to "go back and catch up" unless there's something very important I want to get written down to remember or document.

In this case, I have decided to use the word prompts provided by Kate Motaung from the Five Minute Friday (FMF) community and join the challenge.

So, here is the list of words - and I really believe I have made a good decision!  These words are great and will work very well with my journey!  Below the list of words are the links to each of my posts:

Write 28 Days

Day 1 - Begin
Day 2 - Strive
Day 3 - Glow
Day 4 - Simmer
Day 5 - Accept
Day 6 - Swan
Day 7 - Build (FMF prompt)
Day 8 - Night
Day 9 - Suppose
Day 10 - Reject
Day 11 - Inquire
Day 12 - Dance
Day 13 - Heart
Day 14 - Confident (FMF prompt)
Day 15 - Broken
Day 16 - Heal
Day 17 - Surrender
Day 18 - Create
Day 19 - Survive
Day 20 - Glory
Day 21 - Just (FMF prompt)
Day 22 - Darkness
Day 23 - Reach
Day 24 - Mourn
Day 25 - Thrive
Day 26 - Prune
Day 27 - Commit
Day 28 - (FMF prompt)

My posts may not be written every day; or on "the" day of February; but I am determined to write!  Thank you for reading and sharing, and encouraging me through your comments!

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