The prompt for the 13th is "Heart"; and since I am writing this today - Valentine's Day - I am full of many emotions!
Many people don't look forward to a day such as Valentine's Day; a day that celebrates Love.
For many years, I was one of those people.
Most of the years I have known my husband, he has not really shown much affection. Nor has he been one to "give" such as cards or gifts on special occasions.
I am quite sure it has a lot to do with the home he grew up in. Six children, and he being the eldest! And a "not-so-loving" father.
I cannot imagine!
But there have been times when he has given me special gifts. Or did special things for me...
In the beginning of our relationship, I had surgery. He brought me flowers when he picked up my two children (ages 7 and 5) and took them to the circus!
One Christmas he gave me a JoAnn's gift card...that means he had to go into that "craft store" to buy it!! But, he knew it would make me happy, and was something I could use.
A few years ago he brought me a (small) "bouquet" of flowers...well, it was a handful of weeds with a pretty purple flower. Might as well have been a bouquet of beautiful red roses!! That's how overwhelmed I was!
{Read about that occasion in "It's All About the Little Things" here.}
Today...when I woke this morning, I found him putting something by my computer. He calls me over and hands me a handful of Hershey's kisses and a small paper card (both he received from the ladies in the office at our apartments), and a one dollar bill he found while walking.
What a grin he had on his face!
"My 80 year old toddler"... that's what I started calling him five years ago! His age may have increased, but the status remains the same.
The verse inside brought tears to my eyes and filled my heart so full!
As I hugged him and said, "I love you too", he had the biggest grin on his face.
Today, my heart is full!
Today, my heart is breaking...
The person who once was is no longer there.
But the person who is now, the more mellow person, the loving person, has replaced the ugly.
Today, my heart is breaking...
Yet, it is full of the love I once felt for this person who changes before me almost every day.
I am learning every day how to "be" with this person. Whether he is gentle and mellow, or harsh and ugly.
Deep inside...
He still is the person I fell for many years ago.
Go to Write 28 Days 2019 for a list of all posts for this challenge.
To check out my first Write 31 Days challenge from 2014, "31 Days of Dementia's Demands", go to Barbara's Blog.
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