Friday, February 8, 2019

Write 28 Days - Day 6 - Swan

Doesn't a swan start out looking quite ordinary?

I am an ordinary gray- headed grandma...

One who started out in an ordinary life with ordinary parents.

My life has always been quite ordinary, in the general sense of the word "ordinary"...

Today, I am still quite ordinary.

Nothing special here!

The challenges I face every day...

They are no different than what others face.

Perhaps a little different; but quite ordinary.

Not that I expect to turn into a swan, or anything nearly as beautiful!!

I never set out to be special or beautiful; to become a swan, or an extra-ordinarily beautiful person!

Just always strive to be me!

Yes, swans are beautiful!  They don't realize what's buried deep inside...

Or, do they?

I know I am not what would be called beautiful...on the outside.  And, I know I am not always beautiful...on the inside.

I know I can be quite ugly sometimes; especially when being defensive.  Especially when "someone" is saying ugly to me, or about someone close to me.

But, deep down inside myself, perhaps I am trying my best to become that swan, that beautiful person that I know is trying to show herself.

Perhaps, she's there after all!

Go to Write 28 Days 2019 for a list of all  posts for this challenge.

To check out my first Write 31 Days challenge from 2014, "31 Days of Dementia's Demands", go to Barbara's Blog.

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