Saturday, February 9, 2019

Write 28 Days - Day 9 - Suppose

Years before I even had any idea I'd be "retired" in my sixties, I thought of all the things we could do together!

Traveling was among the top of my list.

When the kids were younger, we had many happy vacations together.

Not vacations to visit the "parks" people often share:  like Disney World, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, or Universal. 

No!  The parks we visited were the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone, and many other parks created from the beauty of nature!

Parks that showed God's wonderful masterpieces!

That's what my retirement was supposed to look like...

The two of us riding across the country to see our favorite parks and visit new places we wanted to see.

But, losing my job before I was prepared; having medical issues that ended up being hospitalized for; and filing for disability ended those dreams.

Instead, I focused on working a couple of part time jobs and crafting.

We spent a lot of time with family and at home; and took a few short trips.

But, nothing like it was supposed to be like...

Now, with his disease and not driving any more, we mostly stay home or  spend time with the family.  And I spend time at home or with friends crafting.

Actually, I think I am really enjoying this retirement much more than all that traveling and spending money we don't really have!!

Perhaps this is the retirement I was supposed to have after all!

Go to Write 28 Days 2019 for a list of all  posts for this challenge.

To check out my first Write 31 Days challenge from 2014, "31 Days of Dementia's Demands", go to Barbara's Blog.

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