Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Write 28 Days - Day 3 - Glow

When a young woman finds out she is pregnant - for the first time, or any time - she glows on the outside for all to see!

Deep inside, she carries a brand new life; and that glow grows from the inside out.

As that life grows into a child, you can see the glow instilled by the mother shining on her little one's face.

I wish for that outside glow.  I'm not sure there is even an inside glow; yet each day I attempt to show happiness and joy; to be upbeat no matter what is going on around me.

Each day I wake to a new day and, as I said in Day 2's post on strive, I try to put on a happy face.

My insides are in turmoil, trying to react to what is happening.  Some days it's calm and peaceful; not dramatic situations caused by my husband...yet, he blames it all on me!

Other days, it's one right after another; and I don't know how to react or what to say.

Many times, I just ignore him!

But with turmoil around me; and inside of me...

I know there is no "happiness glow" showing on my face.

But, I try!

Each day, I try!

And I think that is all I can do...

Go to Write 28 Days 2019 for a list of all  posts for this challenge.

To check out my first Write 31 Days challenge from 2014, go to Barbara's Blog.


  1. That glow comes from the light of Jesus on the inside. We don't always see it in the natural, but it is always there. You've got it, I can tell by your picture.

    1. Thank you, Jodee! Appreciate your reading and commenting, and your encouragement...I know that glow IS there; sometimes it's just hard to stop and really know it is!

  2. Keep up the good work with your writing. I know you do indeed glow with the love of Jesus. It is so evident to those closest to you. Love you!

    1. Thank you so much! You are so sweet and encouraging and can see right through to the depths of my heart and always assure me that I AM a child of God with His GLOW very evident to all but myself!!! Thanks for reading and commenting!!
