Check out all of my posts in my "In His Word" series here.
The word for today is Sky ...
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." Psalms 19:1
"You alone are the Lord, you made the skies and the heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and the seas and everything in them." Nehemiah 9:6
As I drive down the street, to or from a destination, I see the beautiful sky above me...such unique masterpieces created by the Master Creator.
God's beautiful sky shows so many colors from a solid blue to cloudy gray to the sunrises and sunsets of orange and yellow and...so much more!
These photos were taken during a few cruises I have taken, and show a variety of masterpieces...all beautiful and unique:
God has created such masterpieces in the skies above. He has created everything around us in just as unique and amazing ways.
And, how much more amazing is it that He took the time to create us, too; each of us a unique individual!

Every time you look up at the sky, remember who the Creator is; and the amazing power of our God and Savior.
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