Today is Day 24 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
A short time...like, we only have Five Minutes to write our FMF (Five Minute Friday) post!
At least, that is what the challenge is!
It's hard to fill up a page of words you want to share, in just five minutes!
Yet, sometimes the words come so quickly that it does fill up the page!
A short time to sit and share with each other. A reasonable conversation between two people. To laugh and enjoy each other.
That's all I ask for...

That's all I ask for...
But, that brief time is few and far between. Instead, the moments are ugly and not very happy or loving moments.
The only one that I can spend a brief time with is there always; always speaking loving words; not bickering or shouting ugly:
"But now for a brief moment favor has been shown by the Lord our God, to leave us a remnant and to give us a secure hold within His Holy place, that our God may brighten our eyes and grant us a little renewing in our (slavery)." (Ezra 9:8 ESV)
Maybe my eyes aren't brightened by the surroundings I find myself in every day. but, God is there to brighten our eyes; to brighten our days.
"For a brief moment I deserted you, but with great compassion I will gather you." (Isaiah 54:7 ESV)
It may seem that God deserts us, but He gathers us to Him. He is always there...
Am I always open to hear God's word to me, no matter how brief it may be?
Perhaps not!
But, He is there for us!
Be still and listen for His still small voice, in whatever brief time you can spend.
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