Sunday, October 30, 2016

Day 26 - In His Word - CONFRONT

Today is Day 26 of the "write31days" challenge; and I am linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group for this year's "free writes".

Check out all of my posts in the "In His Word" 31 Days series here.

The word for today is Confront ...

I do not like confrontation; to be "face to face with" someone on an opposing side of an issue.  I just don't always find it easy to put into words how I feel.

That is most likely the reason I hate discussing politics or religion!

I know how I feel about the issues; it's just hard for me to clearly express it.  And, when confronted with someone else's opinion...

I back down and just leave the conversation alone!

I find it terribly hard to express how I feel in many areas of my life, including my faith and politics, and other important issues.

In Acts 18:9, the Lord is speaking to Paul, giving him encouragement to keep speaking; to continue to use his voice to reach others:

"One night the Lord said to Paul in a vision, 'Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent; for I am with you...' " 

This verse in Isaiah 50 assures us that God is with us; He is our help:

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With God on our side, we need not fear speaking up about the issues that mean so much to us.  Perhaps the words we share will help others to see the "right" way... and that doesn't mean everyone sees things in the "same" way!

We face many issues in the U.S. Presidential election that is just days away.  My views are different than your views and those of my family members and friends and the people down the street.

Yet, we will all head to the polls on November 8th - if we haven't already taken advantage of early voting or absentee ballots - and vote our choices.

May God give us clarity in making our decisions; and guide our country in choosing the person who will lead the U.S. in the next few years.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Day 25 - In His Word - SIGN

Today is Day 25 of the "write31days" challenge; and I am linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group for this year's "free writes".

Check out all of my posts in the "In His Word" 31 Days series here.

The word for today is Sign ...

Whenever I have struggled with making a decision, I would pray for the assurance that I was making the right one!

I would look for some kind of sign that would help me know...

The sun in my eyes - I can't look directly into the bright sun; but I can always look to the SON!

A billboard or road sign pointing me in the right direction - "road closed" or "one way" or even "detour".

There have been any number of other signs of assurance, from a scripture verse, to a hymn sung in church, and even a beautiful rainbow right in front of my path.

"When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.  When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth"  (Genesis 9:14-16).

Just as the rainbow was placed in the sky as a reminder of God's promise...

I see the signs before me as God's promises to me - to us!

No matter what decisions I may be struggling with, I know that God is always walking beside me.  He will not let me falter; He will guide and strengthen me for the journey ahead.

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And He will do the same for you!

Day 24 - In His Word - GLOBAL

Today is Day 24 of the "write31days" challenge; and I am linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group for this year's "free writes".

Check out all of my posts in the "In His Word" 31 Days series here.

The word for today is Global ...

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The word "global" means:  "world-wide; all over the world."

Our "world" does not just consist of those surrounding us.  Just as we don't only think of our "neighbor" as those living close to us, our "world" also spans the entire continent; the entire world!

So when we are called to bring the gospel to "the whole creation", God is not talking about just going around the corner or down the street from where we live.

We may not all be able to travel to the far corners of Africa or Haiti or Colombia or Asia to bring the gospel to "the whole creation"; but we can do our part to bring it to places we are able to reach.

Yet, we are called to step out even further...

We are to reach the souls in the far corners of the earth; and that may be simply by lifting them up in prayer, or - yes - even sending funds to help to reach out to them.

Find a global resource; a local or state-wide organization you can help support ...Whatever it is you can do, you will be blessed by doing it.

Note:  If you are looking for a place to support, check around your own home-town.  I would also like to lift up two sources (well, actually three since the first source supports two!).

1.  By purchasing the "Five Minute Friday" book, of which I am a contributor, you will be helping support two special ministries in South Africa:

The Vine School
Cape Town, South Africa


Take Action
South Africa

All proceeds from the sale of this book will be divided equally between these two ministries.

To order your copy of the "Five Minute Friday" book, and help support these ministries, go to

Week of Compassion2.  Week of Compassion is the relief, refugee and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.  Their Mission Statement says, "We seek to equip and empower disciples to alleviate the suffering of others through disaster response, humanitarian aid, sustainable development and the promotion of mission opportunities."

I know for certain that they have aided in such disasters as Hurricane Katrina (and the most-recent Matthew); in floods and fires in the US; after tsunamis and tornadoes, oil spills and many other disasters.  Not just in the United States and Canada, but to "the whole creation."

For more information about the Week of Compassion, visit their website here.

Day 29 - In His Word - DATE

Today is Day 29 of the "write31days" challenge; and I am linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group for this year's "free writes".

Check out all of my posts in the "In His Word" 31 Days series here.

The word for today is Date ...

This morning I glanced at my planner - it is always lying opened, beside my computer, ready for me to see.

Another date was presented as I scrolled through my Facebook notifications ...

And I added it to my planner.

I have even started "pre-planner" information for next year!

Whenever plans are being made for a family outing, or any other event I'd like to be included in, the first thing I do is check my planner for conflicts.

Do I want to be included in the Garage Sale; or do I want to attend an all-day craft event?  Both are being held on the same day; I don't do very well with double dates!

As a new week unfolds, I check my planner and know what my schedule will be throughout the week.

Will I have a light week; or will I be running around all over the place with fun - and sometimes hectic - events?

There are some dates that we cannot control; that are planned by someone else.

There are dates that are unpredictable; dates that we are to prepare for, yet don't know when that day will be ...

"Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming."  (Matt. 24:42)

We are warned in this verse in Matthew to "keep awake"; to be watchful, for we don't know when to expect our Lord to come again.

But we must be prepared for whenever that day comes!

Are you ready?

It isn't too late ...

Until it's too late!


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Day 23 - In His Word - BLOW-OUT

Today is Day 23 of the "write31days" challenge; and I am linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group for this year's "free writes".

Check out all of my posts in the "In His Word" 31 Days series here.

The word for today is Blow-Out ...

Driving down the road, all of a sudden...thump thump thump! tire is in shreds!

Carrying on a conversation with my husband, all of a sudden...

I nerves are in shreds!

And, with that blow-up, I have blown it!  No matter how many times I try not to do it, I always end up blowing it!

And, my life would seem to be in shreds!

"Repeating the same sinful behavior is most discouraging.  Who of us has not told God that if He would forgive us just one more time, we would never do it again...only to blow it once more?" *

Yes, I have blown it a time or two; asked forgiveness for a sin ... only to repeat that same sin.

"For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.  They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want."  (Galatians 5:17)

There is that "sinful nature" pulling us from doing what we know we should be doing...

Or, not doing what we know we should not be doing!

"But - and this is important - no matter how often we blow it, we must return to the Father.  We must never let our failures keep us from God's forgiving Grace." *

So, whether you have a blow out, or you blow up, or even blow it again and again and again...

God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins...

But we must confess our sin(s) to God!

* From the book, "After You've Blown It" by Erwin W. Lutzer; published by Multonomah Publishers, Inc.

Day 22 - In His Word - OFF

Today is Day 22 of the "write31days" challenge; and I am linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group for this year's "free writes".

Check out all of my posts in the "In His Word" 31 Days series here.

The word for today is Off ...

The previous few prompts have been of a similar focus:  Day 20 was all about the Weekend, and Day 21 was about Park(s) ...

Which leads me to this prompt:  Off

When I was working full time, it was always nice to get those days off, whether a day or two, or longer when vacations were taken.

{I found this on Pinterest that gives a great idea of how much I just wanted - and needed - those days off!  Please excuse "that word"...}

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Shared by Kushandwizdom

Even now that I am retired, I still need time away from the every day "norm"; time away from home to enjoy crafting, or shopping with or hanging out with my daughters and their families; or a quick fun trip with family or friends.

There are also days when we need to be Offline for a while; away from social media and the things that are in front of us on a daily basis.

Some days I find myself scrolling through Facebook and just mindlessly scanning the posts.

Other days, I am intently reading what others have to say, including taking time to read others' blog posts.

Sometimes there is just so much - negativity - and political and social and ... well, just too much that I have to get away from it for awhile.

Don't get me wrong!  I love connecting via the Internet; through Facebook and other ways that are available to us.

It just gets to be way too much sometimes;

And that is when I need a break; time offline!

As much as we need, or want time off, Jesus did not get that same opportunity!  God does not take a day off either ... 

Actually, God did go away from time to time, to be alone in prayer ...

But, even then, He was still available to His disciples, as He is available to us.  He was, and is, always on call!

We only need to call on Him, and He will be there for us

Whatever the day may bring, it is God's Day; and we can enjoy it however that day off may be.

So, whatever your day off may look like, make sure to enjoy your day!  Climb that mountain; walk those trails; splash a while in the ocean, or walk along the beach ...

Whatever makes you happy!  

Just go to that "happy place" and enjoy your day off! 

Day 21 - In His Word - PARK {FMF}

Today is Day 21 of the "write31days" challenge; and I am linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group for this year's "free writes".

Check out all of my posts in the "In His Word" 31 Days series here.

The word for today is Park ...

Reading this week's Five Minute Friday word takes me back to the 1980's... when our family would take amazing summer vacations to some of the most beautiful National Parks in the USA ...

From the mountains and trails of the Great Smoky Mountains, to the cliffs and monuments of The Arches or Bryce Canyon or the Grand Canyon, to the great falls of Niagara Falls ... 

We visited some of the most beautiful displays of God's amazing works!

But, at the same time, I think of the smaller state parks that allow families to enjoy a picnic, or walking the trails, or even just playing on the playground.

And then there are the really small parks or playgrounds, those found in neighborhoods, or even at the back of a local church or school.

All of these areas share the same things:

The opportunity to be outside, enjoying this beautiful world we live in!

And looking around the beautiful surroundings, found in these and many other parks, I just know who is behind all of the beauty we enjoy every single day!

Find the time to enjoy the beauty surrounding us ...

And thank God for the Word of His Hands. 

Day 20 - In His Word - WEEKEND

Today is Day 20 of the "write31days" challenge; and I am linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group for this year's "free writes".

Check out all of my posts in the "In His Word" 31 Days series here.

The word for today is Weekend ...

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Shared by Michelle Wiebe

While I was still working - holding down a stressful job at a bank - I always looked forward to the weekends ...

And, when we had a three-day weekend, I'd be even happier to leave work on Friday afternoon!!

No matter how stressful the days of the week, I knew that the weekend was in sight, when I would enjoy my family and friends; do something together, have FUN!

Or, maybe I'd just relax and enjoy being at home; doing what I wanted, when I wanted, if I wanted!

And leave the stress of work behind me for a few days.

Even God rested on the seventh day, after all He did to create the universe!

And, even now He invites us to come to Him and rest:

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Saved from Dawn Edmonson

So, whatever your work days may bring, I pray your weekend finds many unexpected blessings for you.

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Day 19 - In His Word - NOTICE

Today is Day 19 of the "write31days" challenge; and I am linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group for this year's "free writes".

Check out all of my posts in the "In His Word" 31 Days series here.

The word for today is Notice ...

First, I wanted to check out the dictionary definition for "notice":

"(n.) a. advance information/warning; b. to pay attention to; c. written account/ announcement/information."

"(v.) to pay attention to."

So, "to pay attention to"... as in, "I notice that young woman across the room."  Or, "Did you notice what that couple did?"

Me?  I'm just a normal gray-haired senior citizen, a bit over-weight, sometimes a bit forgetful, or perhaps just distracted - or busy having FUN!

I doubt anyone would actually notice me across the room!

I do sometimes feel as if nobody really notices me...

But, I also know that I am a fun-loving "normal senior citizen"; and people sometimes do notice me when I am happy and joyful and enjoying my family and friends.  I can be a bit silly and crazy!!

Even so...

If others don't notice me, I do know Someone who does!

The truth is, God knows me; He knew me before I was born, even as I was formed in my mother's womb!

It really doesn't matter if nobody notices me; because God does!
He has assured me that He will always be there for me, watching over me and will never leave or forsake me!

And, for that I am totally grateful!