Wednesday, October 31, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 31 - CLOSE
Today is Day 31 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
The end is sight! Like, it's TOMORROW!! And I have that post almost ready to schedule...
As we come to the close of another Write 31 Days challenge, I am excited to have completed it...almost!
Yet, I am not sure what I have accomplished; or where I go from here...
Perhaps I will continue to write. That is what I wish to do.
Yet, I don't know which direction to take my writing.
I think just to close this part of my writing? Or, to keep writing as we continue our journey with dementia.
The days are never the same; and they are not easy. But, I know they can be harder...
As we continue our journey, I have family and friends close by to listen and give their support...
"Right now, therefore, every thing we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community." (Galatians 6:9-10)
And as I continue this walk that God has us on, I just pray to keep Him close. Perhaps this part of my journey will close soon and a new one will begin.
But, every step of the way, I will lean on Him and keep Him close to my heart.
"I called out your name, O God, called from the bottom of the pit. You listened when I called out; don't shut your ears! Get me out of here! Save me! You came close when I called out. You said, 'It's going to be all right.' " (Lamentations 3:55-57)
As we all reach our goal - whether it was to finish, or just to write, or to follow each other's posts - let's continue the writing journey together! I am sure I will see many of you on our Facebook page for "survivors of the Write 31 Day challenge". Let's keep in touch and continue to encourage each other!
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 29 - TOGETHER
Today is Day 29 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
"Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble." (Proverbs 17:17 Message)
As this verse from Proverbs says, friends and families stick together no matter what!! In all kinds of trouble!
Through this journey with my husband and dementia, I know I have slipped into a lot of depression and down times. Times when I wanted to just call it quits!
But, I've continued the walk...the journey is not over yet. I must persevere and continue this journey my husband and I walk together.
"'ve heard, of course, of Job's staying power, and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end. That's because God cares right down to the last detail." (James 5:10-11 Message)
I certainly don't feel I have the faith and trust that Job had. But, I do know to whom I can turn in times of trouble. Not only my family and friends, but especially my Comforter; my Father in Heaven!
I hope the journey you are on is full of those who walk it beside you and you continue on your life's path together.
Monday, October 29, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 28 - SONG
Today is Day 28 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
I love this Christmas song! Well, I love all Christmas songs!!
I love almost all songs!
But this was the first one that came to mind. Perhaps because I have been watching a few too many Hallmark movies?
And, it's all about the holidays right now!!
"Take a good look at God's wonders. They'll take your breath away. He converted sea to dry land; travelers crossed the river on foot. Now isn't that cause for a song?" (Psalms 66:5-6 Message).
That's reason enough to put a song in our hearts, isn't it?!
"Let me shout God's name with a praising song, let me tell His greatness in a prayer of thanks." (Psalm 69:30 Message).
Let us sing our songs to the Lord above!!!
"...then sings my soul..."
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 26 - MOMENT {FMF}
Today is Day 26 of the "write31days" challenge. It is the fourth of the FMF link-ups with Kate Motaung during the October challenge.
This week's FMF word is:
"My life, my every moment, my destiny - it's all in Your hands. So I know You can deliver me from those who persecute me relentlessly." (Psalm 31:15 Passion Translation).
I live my life moment by moment; day by day; month by month;
and year by year...
God has my future in His capable hands. He has my now in His capable hands!
I need not worry...
But, I do!
Of course I do!!
Yet, the question is still...
Why? Why worry over things that God has in control?
I am me! I am human! It is in me to worry!
Perhaps if I just turned it all over to Him...
Yes! That is what I need to do!!
Moment by moment...
And all the other times in my life when I try to take the controls, instead of putting it in His capable hands...
I put my trust in the One...the Only One...that can release all my worrying!!
"Join me, everyone!! Trust only in God every moment! Tell Him all your troubles and pour out your heart-longings to Him. Believe me when I tell you - He will help you! Pause in His presence." (Psalm 62:8 Passion Translation).
Saturday, October 27, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 27 - WHOLE
Today is Day 27 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." (Philippians 4:6-7 Message).
Yes! We don't have to be perfect for God to use our petitions and praises. Once we turn our worries and concerns over to God, we are on our way to becoming whole!
"The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together. the signposts of God are clear and point out the right road. the life maps of God are right, showing the way to joy." (Psalm 19:7-9 Message).
Wherever we are on our journey, God carries our prayers and concerns with Him as He journeys with us.
Our lives become whole as we lean into His ways and follow his "life maps" on our journey.
Not always easy to remain on the right path; but with the Master Guide...
It is possible!!
And, whatever our life's journey has brought us through, it is our life!! Love your story...your whole story!!
Thursday, October 25, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 25 - CAPTURE
Today is Day 25 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
This word makes me think of war; of an enemy capturing their opponents and holding them as prisoners.
Ugly times! Not the times of our lives that we want to capture in our memories.
I'd rather think about capturing good times and things that makes us smile, wouldn't you?
Of capturing someone's attention!
Things that are worth remembering.
A life that is worth remembering!
I love this quote; comparing our life to a camera! Such truth in that, isn't there?
Focus on what's important;
Capture the good times;
Develop from the negatives;
If things don't work out...
Just take another shot!!
Easy enough, right? Just take another shot?!
Every day we wake to a new day! We can "take another shot" at getting it right; at turning our negatives into positives!
Let's try to live our lives like a camera!!
And, share how that's going with you...
Me? Every day is a new day and I never know what it will hold...
So, focus on the positives!
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 24 - BRIEF
Today is Day 24 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
A short, we only have Five Minutes to write our FMF (Five Minute Friday) post!
At least, that is what the challenge is!
It's hard to fill up a page of words you want to share, in just five minutes!
Yet, sometimes the words come so quickly that it does fill up the page!
A short time to sit and share with each other. A reasonable conversation between two people. To laugh and enjoy each other.
That's all I ask for...
A brief moment of laughter and quiet conversation between two people who have been together for over 30 years.
That's all I ask for...
But, that brief time is few and far between. Instead, the moments are ugly and not very happy or loving moments.
The only one that I can spend a brief time with is there always; always speaking loving words; not bickering or shouting ugly:
"But now for a brief moment favor has been shown by the Lord our God, to leave us a remnant and to give us a secure hold within His Holy place, that our God may brighten our eyes and grant us a little renewing in our (slavery)." (Ezra 9:8 ESV)
Maybe my eyes aren't brightened by the surroundings I find myself in every day. but, God is there to brighten our eyes; to brighten our days.
"For a brief moment I deserted you, but with great compassion I will gather you." (Isaiah 54:7 ESV)
It may seem that God deserts us, but He gathers us to Him. He is always there...
Am I always open to hear God's word to me, no matter how brief it may be?
Perhaps not!
But, He is there for us!
Be still and listen for His still small voice, in whatever brief time you can spend.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 23 - COMMON
Today is Day 23 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
In Job 34, the scripture says:
"...Isn't this just common sense - as common as the sense of taste - to put our head together and figure out what's going on here?"
Common sense?! IS sense...common? What is common about sense? Or taste?
According to the Webster's Student Dictionary, common sense is - simply - "ordinary good sense"!
And common? "Belonging to everyone; to the public in general."
So, that would mean that sense is common - or belonging to the public in general!
Right? Well, not necessarily!
This image certainly leaves me to think that not everybody has this common sense! Not sure if I do or not...
There are many things that we may have in common with others...
* Scrapbooking or crafting in general.
* Reading.
* Writing or blogging.
* Sports - watching or participating in.
* Watching Hallmark!
* Fishing.
* Singing or playing an instrument.
* And many many more!
Having something in common is what brings us together with those who become our friends!
What are some of the things you have in common with your friends?
Share them in the comments!
Monday, October 22, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 22 - HELP
Today is Day 22 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
These verses from the Psalms confirm that God is right there to help us when we call on Him:
"That clinches it - help's coming, an answer's on the way, everything's going to work out." (Psalm 20:6 Message)
"Is anyone crying for help? God is listening, ready to rescue you." (Psalm 34:17 Message)
"If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there..." (Psalm 34:18 Message)
And there are many more verses that assure us of the very same thing:
Whatever the problem may be, God is there to help us through it.
But, what about others? What about our family and friends; our neighbors? Do they need help too?
I mean, yes God is there to help them as well; but He uses others to make that happen.
Just as He uses others to help us.
One of our missions is to reach out and do what we can for others who may need our help.
That is not always easy to do. We are all so busy; so wrapped up in our own lives. Trying to make things work for ourselves and our families. And, add a few friends that may need us...
We do what we can.
But, how will I be able to help all those who need it?
Well, former President Reagan said it well...
"...Everyone can help someone."
And, if everyone helps someone, then that will go a long way to help everyone that needs the help!
Let's all do what we can to help others. In whatever way we can...
Share in the comments how you have helped another.
Just found this on Facebook and HAD to share it today!
Sunday, October 21, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 21 - START
Today is Day 21 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
Many days it is so hard to start my day. Restless nights and lack of sleep find me trying to just roll over and go back to sleep...
Perhaps from the mental stress I am under most of the time as caregiver for my husband who has dementia. Once I go to bed and lay my head on the pillow, my mind starts thinking of a million things...
Most of which can't be solved late at night when I am tired and ready to sleep!
Many days when I wake up too early, I can lay back down to a little bit more rest. And, it feels so good to feel rested.
Other days I am awakened before I really want to be up; and it's hard to get back to sleep.
So, I just get up!
Perhaps I need a better way to start my day?
Most days I have no real plans! I can do what I want, when I want. And, I'm happy to be able to do that. So, if I want to head back to bed and start my day a little later, that's OK.
But, if I were to start my day in a different way?
Spend some quiet time...
Perhaps a short devotion; read a verse or two in the Bible; pray and journal?
I wonder if that would give me a better start to the day?
It is worth a try. So, I will find a devotion book and see what new habits I can start...
Funny...these posts are called "words of encouragement";
Yet, it seems most days I am the one being encouraged...
By the One who has put these thoughts into my head!
Thank you, God!
Meet me in the morning for "our time"!
Saturday, October 20, 2018
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 19 - WHO {FMF}
Today is Day 19 of the "write31days" challenge. It is the third of the FMF link-ups with Kate Motaung during the October challenge.
Who is your tribe?
Who makes up the circles around you?
Who do you call on when you are in need of help?
The first year I participated in the 31 days writing challenge, my topic was "31 Days of Dementia's Demands". Check it out on my former blog here under the tab "31 Days".
On the 27th day of that series, I wrote "Find Your Tribe" and shared ways that help me cope on the journey.
Your tribe; your circle; those you call when in need...
These are the ones who are there for you in your times of need; to help share your burdens.
That's who your tribe is.
That's who is in your circle
That's who you turn to!
Click here to read all of the different ways I listed that help me cope while on this journey...
My journey didn't end when the 2014 Write 31 Days challenge ended.
It continues as my husband's dementia progressively gets worse.
Those same "who" are still among my tribe or in my circle; the who that I can call on when in need...
Yet, there is One who is greater than any of those others; the One who can give the strength and comfort needed along the journey, wherever that journey may take us.
Recently, I discovered The Passion Translation of the Bible, used by Karen Sebastian-Wirth in her blog posts. I love how this passage in the psalms sounds:
"You draw near to those who call out to you, listening closely, especially when their hearts are true." (Psalm 145:18)
God is there! God is the one who hears our cries and listens closely to them...
God is our Who!
31 Words of Encouragement - Day 20 - AUDIENCE
Today is Day 20 of the "write31days" challenge. Once again I am linking up with Kate Motaung for the FMF free writes. Be sure to check out each day's post here.
The other morning I turned on my phone and tried to get into Facebook to check if I had any (important) notifications.
The feed spun round and round, attempting to load the data, but to no avail.
Finally, I received this message:
"Sorry, this content isn't available right now. This post may have expired, or it may only be visible to an audience you're not in."
Have you ever been left out of an important message, or notification? What audience must I be a part of in order to received these notifications?!
In the Message translation of Psalm 18:6, the psalmist cries to God:
"A hostile world! I call to God, I cry to God to help me. From his palace He hears my call; my cry brings me right into His presence - a private audience."
Even if we can't get to our notifications on the phone, our cries to God...our prayers...reach God in His Heavenly palace where He waits for us to call out to Him!
As we come before God with our prayers, He becomes our one and only audience; and we become His audience as we wait for His answer to our cries.
We go about our every day lives not knowing who is listening. What we say, as well as what we do, is being heard and watched.
Who is your audience? Who is listening when you are talking?
Sometimes we may never know!
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