Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Word Wednesday - Life's Journey

Today I am cleaning!  I have been trying to declutter my "stuff"; and also clean as I go along.  One day I will be finished...


The problem with cleaning and decluttering and organizing is...

I keep sitting down to browse through the forgotten books; or turn the pages of scrapbooks that are stored on the shelves being cleaned.


That means I always get distracted!

Today, I sat down to see what was inside this 8 1/2 x 11 scrapbook.  What I found was a photo and the words I included on the title page of the album picturing my grandson when he was almost two years old.

I have always loved this photo of my grandson and I walking up the steps of a memorial at a Military Park we visited.  Notice our feet and how in step we were!!

For this week's Word Wednesday I am reprinting the words I came across and "copied" into this album...

"Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.  It is because we are different that each of us is special.

Do not see your goals by what other people deem important.  Only you know what is best for you.  Cling to them as you would your life, for without them, life is meaningless.

Do not let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past nor for the future.  By living your life one day at a time, you live all of the days of your life.

Do not give up when you still have something to give.  Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.  It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other.

Do not be afraid to encounter risks.  It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.  Do not shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find.  The quickest way to receive love is to give love.  The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.  In addition, the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

Do not dismiss your dreams.  To be without dreams is to be without hope.  To be without hope is to be without purpose.  Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going.

Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way."  (copied).

My personal note to my grandson was:  "I savor the steps I take with you on Life's Journey."  (June 2001).

I think these words are quite appropriate for Life's Journey; and for the Hope I see along this journey!

{p.s.  I think I have found a perfect gift for my grandson as he graduates from high school June 2018; these words and the above picture reproduced in a shadowbox!!}

Monday, January 29, 2018

Simple Woman's Daybook - January 29, 2018

The Simple Woman

January 29, 2018

Looking Out My Window:
It's 61 this morning!
Cloudy, misty rain;
a little breeze.
But, it isn't in the 30's or 40's!
And that is good!

I Am Thinking
About this month...
It's almost over!
Only 11 more to go
in the year 2018!
Where does time go?

I Am Thankful:
For the new doctor group...
Getting the questions
and help needed!
Thank you God
for answers...
Whatever the outcome,
I will thank you;
and leave it in your hands!

One of My Favorite Things:
Impromptu outings!
Unexpected surprises!
Surprise "happy" mail!
Hugs from the grands...
and this should be #1!!

I Am Creating:
Probably a mess!
Cleaning and organizing;
sorting and donating;
trashing and just plain
Getting Rid of Stuff!
It feels so good!

I Am Wearing:
A pair of jeans;
my flowered pajama top;
and pink and white striped
socks on my feet!

I Am Reading:

 "Seize the Day" by Joyce Meyer
{Sad to say...this is the first
I've read of her books!}

I Am Hoping
My hubby reacts OK
to his doctor's visit this week.
EEG and consult with doctor;
Recent MRI findings...
Do I know the outcome?
I can imagine what it will be.
And will be relieved to hear it!

I Am Learning:
More and more...
Day by day...
How to act and react.
Little by little...
Slowly but surely...
Learning how to not
Act or React!

In My Kitchen:
Dishes in the dishwasher;
Sausage thawing
for dinner.
Needs to be swept;
probably mopped too...

Post Script
Haven't been writing much!
Haven't been reading much!
Browsing Facebook;
Saving inspiring quotes.
My mind is blank right now!
But, I'll be inspired again...

Shared Quote:

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature

Worrying does nothing...
Except take away those moments
of my Day.
Today, I give it to God!

A Moment From My Day:
Dinner with the "boys"!
One grandson and I
Meeting my son...
Who was just coming in
From working out of town.
Then watching a movie.
Nothing better than that!
Except other times
with other grands!!


Well, this month is just about over!  Next week I will be writing Simple Daybook for February!!

Looking forward to many new memories and new adventures ahead in this year, 2018!

The Simple Woman's Daybook continues to be a place for sharing the life of this simple woman!

{Trying a little different look this month...but abbreviated text...what do you think about it?!}

Join me again next week for another "chapter".

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Out-giving God?

I learned years ago when I was stretching our budget as a military wife and mother of two...

My husband was overseas and I had to work with the amount of income that I had.  At that point, I was working and also receiving a portion of my husband's income...he had to have an income to live on too; but I was making a house payment and all of the other bills that go with it!

At that time, I learned that God has a way of stretching a budget that none of us could ever understand!

The drive to church on Sunday morning and back home; and then back to church again that night...

That "E" on the gas gauge stretched and stretched until the money went into the bank and I could fill up with gas again!

I'd pray all the way to church and back!

The groceries?  They stretched, too!  Amazing what you can do with a can of stewed tomatoes and pasta!

Yes!  He always came through!!

It is something I learned back then; and is something I am still learning!

But, why is it that we have to keep learning this over and over again?

god has an endless supply of...well, of everything!

And He wants us to depend on Him to supply all of our needs!


Still, years go by and I forget what He did for us back then.  I stop relying on the promises found in His Word:

The truth is...

You cannot out-give God!

His resources are far beyond our vision.  They are infinite!

This is the truth we find in His Word.

And yet...

I still didn't follow through with what I knew I should be doing; I gradually let it slip and times got hard and I stopped...I didn't give back to God that one thing...

You know...that word!!


Yes, I did give to the church...occasionally.  Not the first of my income; but the leftovers.

So, last fall I decided I needed to do least, the best I could...

I filled out my pledge card for the amount I felt I could handle; with the thought that I could increase as time went on.

Now, the amount I chose was based on the income I personally receive; I have never felt it right that I include my husband's income.

Even though the amount I have pledged is less than the 10% we are to give, I feel God has still bless my decision already.

Our income is received monthly, and has to be stretched for all things that come up during that period of time.  Many things can come up in a month; and without money in savings to fall back on, I have to trust God to supply what is needed.

And, He has!

Things like an appointment that had to be rescheduled; one that required a co-pay...

And the new date is after the next pay period!

Or, groceries stretching as well as the gas!

And, so far, no emergencies!

I am blessed by God; and am learning...

One more lesson!

You cannot out-give God!!  Ever!!

Share your story of giving in the comments!  I'd love to hear your stories!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

God's Many Blessings

What an awesome day it has been!!

I received many blessings today!!

First, enjoyed sharing an afternoon with a group of residents at a retirement community, and listening to their stories.

The women of my church hosted a birthday party, open to all residents, but celebrating those with January birthdays.

{This is a service of the Disciples' Women's Ministry for our denomination in this area; each of the churches hosts a different month.}

Each "birthday person" was asked what they remembered about their childhood birthdays, especially for this time of year when we sometimes have snow...depending on where we live, of course!

Everybody was happy to share the snow memories, and other memories as well.

We sang "Frosty the Snowman", "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow" and a couple of other "snow" songs; and listened to some beautiful piano music.

And, of course, we enjoyed cookies and cupcakes and punch...not a party without them!

What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon!

But lurking in the back of my mind was my car!

Prior to heading to the event, my hubby had noticed something hanging from the bottom of my car.  I knew something was wrong but was trying to get past the holidays, then to our next paycheck, before having it checked out.

But, it was hanging so low now that it was dragging; and causing sparks to fly up...

So, after leaving the party, I stopped by the repair shop we always use and had them check it out for me.

Turns out it was a drip pan that had come loose!  They attached it for me; checked the air in my tires also, as I had requested.

And, there was no charge!

The one thing I always worry about when dealing with car repairs is the cost!!

The one thing I should always remember...

God has it all in His hands!!

But, wait!!

That is not the end of the story of God's Many Blessings...

For today!!

After coming home and relaxing a few minutes, I continued my morning task:

Find some pictures I knew were somewhere in my craft room!  Every where I looked earlier did not turn up anything except what I wasn't looking for!!

But, I persisted, moved some other stuff around and finally found the two little albums of pictures...two red albums, not black like I thought I was looking for!!

Well, while looking for the pictures, my hubby came in with "a pile of mail", as he called it...

"Happy Mail", as I call it!!  What I received was a letter with a tea bag, and a card with the following verse from one of my blogging friends:

This verse in Romans has become my Mantra for 2018!

Those are the very words I had chosen to write about the past two years; Hope and Joy!  Didn't get very far; and have decided to merge them for this year!

But, that still wasn't all!!

My friend also sent another package with some scrapbooking supplies she had come across.  Knowing I did a bit of scrapbooking, she thought to send it to me, along with one of her books!

Well, it's quite apparent to me that I am so very blessed!!

I must thank God every day for His many blessings!!

{A couple of years ago, I set up the label "Word Wednesday" to go along with my word(s) for the year...

Needless to say, I didn't write very much in 2016 on Joy, or in 2017 on Hope.

This year, I decided to merge those two words; but after my blessings of the holidays and the past couple of days, I am just planning to write as inspired to do so!!

Join me again next week for another chapter in the "God's Many Blessings", titled "Outgiving God"...

We know where that one is headed, right?!

If you are inspired by anything read in this blog, please share with others; and share your experiences with me in the comments, on Facebook or in a private message!!}

Monday, January 8, 2018

Simple Woman's Daybook - January 8, 2018

The SimpleWoman

January 8, 2018

Looking Out My Window:
It has been so cold here in Florida...for Florida, at least!

Today, it will start warming up; but first we have to get past the 40's this morning.  But, the high today will be in the high 60's.

I am ready for that warm up!

I Am Thinking
About all of the things I am trying to get together for a retreat this weekend!

I have the projects almost put together; but then I remember...the pictures!  So, today I am on a major hunt for those pictures!

They are in this craft room...somewhere!

I Am Thankful:
That what I thought was going to be a major car repair, turned out to be a minor thing.  And it didn't cost anything to fix it!!

One of My Favorite Things:
There are so many things that I could call "fave"; what would one be for me today, as I look back over the past week or so?

It would have to be - as always! - spending time with family.  The planned get-togethers are great; but my fave would be those times when we haven't actually planned ahead.

I love doing impromptu things!!

I Am Creating:
Creating a few bags of "stuff" to be used this weekend on the projects I will be working on.

Sometimes I think I create more disorganization trying to organize my projects!!

Well, it makes things a lot easier when I sit down to craft at a retreat...

So...keep on creating!

I Am Wearing:
A pair of black pj bottoms and a black and white striped night shirt; and two pairs of socks on my feet...

Well, it was cold when I put the second pair on!!

I Am Reading:

I have finished reading "Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia" by Dr. John Dunlop; and read the Forward and Introduction to Joyce Meyer's "Seize the Day".

This book will take more than just a quick read.  Hoping to really focus on it next week, after the retreat has ended.

I may also start reading another fiction, just for fun book while also doing the above book...

Will see if I need a break from it!

I Am Hoping
This year is a GOOD year!!

Last year wasn't exactly BAD; but it could have been better...

Well, not really!  It was a good year!

I am just hoping this year we can get the medical questions answered...

And move forward on our journey with whatever information we receive!

I know God has our future in His hands; and we will not travel down this road alone!

I Am Learning:
Learning to lean; leaning and learning!

I know God has our future in His hands...

Yes, I know I just wrote that above!  But, He does!  And the more I can think that way, the better I will be able to lean and learn and continue along this journey that we are on...

In My Kitchen: 
Dishes in dishwasher and ready to be washed.

A load of laundry ready for the dryer.

Dinner?  Probably leftovers!  There are several bowls of food that my husband couldn't eat in one sitting; so he can finish one of those!

I will eat either spaghetti, black-eyed peas with rice and tomatoes, or the leftovers noodles and veggies and chicken teriyaki from a few days ago!

Post Script
Last week I published a poem I wrote titled "Today", with a little added information as to the "why" behind the poem.  Check it out here.

Shared Quote:
This year I will attempt to write a Word Wednesday post each week; or as often as I am inspired to do so!

I did not do so well the last two years; the word was Hope.  The year before that was the word Joy.

This year I will try to merge those two words...

But will leave myself open to any other word that is put in my heart or mind to write on.

It's a new day...a new year!  And, I am hoping for more inspiration to write more and more!!

So, the quote is from Romans 15:13 (ESV), and will be my mantra for the year:

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."

I will also be keeping a "Hope/Joy" journal...not only writing down quotes and scriptures, but adding a little "art" as well!

This is the cover; words by already on the book!  I am not a good artist!

A Moment From My Day:
Actually, there have been many "moments" throughout the holidays that have just ended.

I think this may have been one of the best holidays in quite a few years.  Though others have been good, this one was good and fulfilling and enjoyable...

Busy!  But enjoyable!  Once again I wrote out a Holiday Bucket List and was able to complete quite a number of items on that list!

I plan to share those fun adventures in a separate post!  Later...


So, as we enter into a new year with new memories and new adventures ahead of us...

The Simple Woman's Daybook continues to be a place for sharing the life of this simple woman!

Join me again next week for another "chapter".

Saturday, January 6, 2018


Someone we see every day may be so familiar to us that we couldn't possibly forget their name!

As I look back on my early years, I remember the name of a favorite Sunday School teacher; Mrs. D. was very popular with the young people, myself included...

Until I learned she was a smoker!!

That brought her down from the pedestal I had put her on.  To this day, many years later, I remember her name and I remember that incident.  It is a part of my long term memories.

There may come a time when I won't remember her name; or many others in my life; past, present or future.

There may come a time when those loved ones I see every day will be strangers to me.

This poem was written with that in mind; but mostly with the knowledge that one day, my husband may forget who I am.

This is not an easy thing to even consider.

But, with dementia, that is a definite direction we are sure to travel as we continue along this journey...


I forgot your name!
I know it's somewhere...
In the deep dark recesses of my brain.

I see your face...
Can picture us together -
Walking hand in hand -
In the park?
At the beach?

I hear your voice,
Calling my name...
And I smile!

I forgot your name!
Maybe tomorrow,
I will remember.
Maybe tomorrow,
I will know...
{BJLondon - April 2015}

Memories can be a strange thing for one with dementia.  One day they may know their loved ones; the next day they may be complete strangers to them.

One day their memory seems almost normal; the next, they can't remember what you told them five minutes ago.

Every day should be treasured.  Every day remembered for what it is or was.  Those with dementia may live in a "Groundhog Day" kind of world.

We, as loved ones and caregivers, may live in their world easier than they can...

And, one day, maybe they will share their memories before they fade away...again.

Treasure these times.