Saturday, February 1, 2020

Write 28 Days - Day 1 - Begin

This quote means a lot to me!

The picture...means even more!

Years ago I began a journey; the one I am currently on with my husband...

We met; me with two children, alone to raise them myself.  We fell in "love"; or, did we?

We stayed together; it wasn't a great marriage.  But, when I became pregnant, I was torn between excitement, confusion, uncertainty...

Even a little bit of guilt and shame.

We raised our child, along with my two children.  And the years went on.

Until one day, it was obvious that he was losing his memory.  That there was something going on...

Medically?  Mentally?  Physically?

We followed through with tests.  And received the diagnoses:  Vascular Dementia.

But, the doctor said that it would stabilize; it wouldn't get worse unless he had more small (or even large) strokes; and that's what happened.

So, we continued the journey, together.

We trusted God to take us on the right path; to show us the way.  To give us strength for the journey.

Years later, (I am not sure how long), I began to see signs that his memory was getting worse.  And other things didn't seem "quite right".

Eventually, we were able to have more tests and the doctor said he had dementia...

And that it was most likely Alzheimer's disease.

Not exactly the diagnoses I wanted to hear!

But, we kept on the where, I wasn't sure.  But we kept on going.

The thing is, I was the only one that "knew" what was going on.  As far as he was - or is - concerned, his health was perfect; except for needing new glasses (at the time), and his hearing loss...

We continued the journey; trying to get the treatment and other things needed...

And still it continues.

I had no idea that over 20 years later, we would still be on that journey.

It's been up and down and all around to get to where we are today.

But, here we are!

I don't know where it will take us.  I don't know how much longer we will be on this journey...


All I can do is begin each day, trusting that God will lead me in the right direction;

For myself...

For my husband...

For us...


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