Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Word Wednesday - QUIET

This year I have decided to write the weekly post for Word Wednesday based on whatever word seems to be inspiring me at the time!

I've touched on Joy - 2016's word; and Hope - 2017's word.  Neither of which made it through the entire year!

Other words will be used as the come to me.

So, while browsing through one of the many journals that hold words I have written, I came across the following prayer to be used for today's Word Wednesday post, Quiet...

"God, it is quiet now!  I hear the spinning of the washer, reminding me of chores to finish.  I hear the whirring of the ceiling fan, and feel the sweat running down my face and back; and I know today will be hot again.  I think the older I get, the less I am able to tolerate this heat!

The washer has stopped now; the dryer continues...the front door has opened, meaning I am no longer alone.  How long before the quiet is broken?  And then what happens to the quiet; to the time for prayer and reflection?

Now, my thoughts have been diverted to "what's for dinner?"  And, I get irritated that my quiet has been shattered; my irritability just gets worse...

God, I don't know how to do this...he is so - what?  I do not even know how to describe it; and when I do - it seems so trivial; but it doesn't feel trivial.

It feels...hard!

Now, I must wait for another time of quiet.  Lead me to Your Word to ponder -

And, now it's night; and I have found the quiet again.  No sounds except the ticking of the clock, and an occasional car passing by.

Three precious little ones sleep soundly in the back room; and a big black dog sleeps on the rug in front of the door - guarding this quiet house against, what?

And, you, oh God, ever-present, ever ready to listen to Your child; to show me the lessons you want me to ponder, to learn.

I am finding it hard to know which way to turn...

I am listening for your voice...

In this quiet house.

Silence my inner wonderings so I may hear Your still small voice...

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