July 3 and 10, 2017
Looking Out My Window:
What can I say? The days are so routine that you probably know what today brings...
Mowers and mowing and sounds of the guys out there keeping our apartment complex fresh and clear of branches and other hazards of rain-filled days!
And, will there be rain again today? We will see...
Those afternoon showers are typical for this time of year. Luckily, I am only going out briefly this morning!
And, on this afternoon of July 10th, it's about the same as last week!
What can I say? The days are so routine that you probably know what today brings...
Mowers and mowing and sounds of the guys out there keeping our apartment complex fresh and clear of branches and other hazards of rain-filled days!
And, will there be rain again today? We will see...
Those afternoon showers are typical for this time of year. Luckily, I am only going out briefly this morning!
And, on this afternoon of July 10th, it's about the same as last week!
I Am Thinking:
Ever since the "Love Story Tour" last week with novelist Karen Kingsbury...
I have been thinking of my own "love story". And have already started drafting some of what I may include.
Will this book be published? Probably not! But it could be shared on my blog...
Too busy this past week and weekend to give this any more thought! Now, I am thinking about more upcoming retreats and events and how to budget myself to attend them!!
Ever since the "Love Story Tour" last week with novelist Karen Kingsbury...
I have been thinking of my own "love story". And have already started drafting some of what I may include.
Will this book be published? Probably not! But it could be shared on my blog...
Too busy this past week and weekend to give this any more thought! Now, I am thinking about more upcoming retreats and events and how to budget myself to attend them!!
I Am Thankful:
What can I say? I am thankful for so much; yet, sometimes I miss the "little things" that make the days a little easier to handle.
Here are some of the "little things" that my husband does for me:
I know there are more; these are just a few of the "little things" that keep me going.
What can I say? I am thankful for so much; yet, sometimes I miss the "little things" that make the days a little easier to handle.
Here are some of the "little things" that my husband does for me:
- Helping me to load and unload my craft supplies for all-day events, or even for those weekend events;
- Making up the bed and folding the towels to put away;
- Thanking me for a dinner, no matter how long it took me to make it...even for leftovers;
- Taking my car to put gas into it;
- Making sure I have a decent parking spot in front of our apartment building.
- Waiting up for me to get home after crafting all day, even it it's after 11:00 pm!
I know there are more; these are just a few of the "little things" that keep me going.
One of My Favorite Things:
Is it OK to like being alone? To enjoy the quiet and solitude, and do just what you want and when you want to do it?
I love the mornings when I can stretch out in the bed and just think; or go back to sleep.
To get up when I am ready not when the TV wakes me up.
To sit in front of the TV if I want, and watch what I want...even watching part of a movie and into the next one!
Back to back movies! That is what I did Sunday morning...
And, I loved it!
And today after a weekend of crafting? I am exhausted, but trying to put things away a little at a time!
I Am Creating:
Saturday at our Girls' Day Out all-day craft event, I was able to finish a couple of projects and start one that needs to be ready for this weekend.
I may end up finishing that one project tomorrow, the 4th of July...Yes! There may be a group of us scrapbooking on the 4th!
I was very productive at this weekend's retreat, finishing several things I had wanted to work on.
Planning projects for next week's retreat; small projects because I will be taking several classes during the weekend.
I finished "Love Story" in record time! Then, started reading "Bitter Harvest" by Ann Rule; a true crime story.
I Am Hoping:
My husband doesn't get upset when I tell him (today) that I will be attending a retreat this weekend.
Normally I come home at night to sleep and then go back the next morning; so I will only be gone during the days, Friday through Sunday.
{And he took it just fine! As long as he has food, his medication set up for him, and a little money in his pocket, he will be just fine!}
And he did just fine while I was gone. Now to let him know it happens again this coming weekend!!
{And he took that one just fine, too! I think he is getting used to me being away scrapbooking on the weekends!!}
I Am Learning:
What am I learning this week? That I really do need the times away from home that I am able to get...
Whenever I go away, my husband really does miss me. I realize that! And, I think he needs to miss me so he understands just what I do for him.
But, with dementia, I don't think he really sees it! And, I am learning day by day just how this "dementia" really takes so much away from a person.
Though he is able to stay alone for short periods of time, I realize that will come to an end sooner than later...
Today I am learning that I am so truly blessed! I am learning to say "thank you" to the many things my friends do for and with me; and to the things they give to me...things that are not cheap or inexpensive but that they no longer have a need for.
Is it OK to like being alone? To enjoy the quiet and solitude, and do just what you want and when you want to do it?
I love the mornings when I can stretch out in the bed and just think; or go back to sleep.
To get up when I am ready not when the TV wakes me up.
To sit in front of the TV if I want, and watch what I want...even watching part of a movie and into the next one!
Back to back movies! That is what I did Sunday morning...
And, I loved it!
And today after a weekend of crafting? I am exhausted, but trying to put things away a little at a time!
I Am Creating:
Saturday at our Girls' Day Out all-day craft event, I was able to finish a couple of projects and start one that needs to be ready for this weekend.
I may end up finishing that one project tomorrow, the 4th of July...Yes! There may be a group of us scrapbooking on the 4th!
I was very productive at this weekend's retreat, finishing several things I had wanted to work on.
Planning projects for next week's retreat; small projects because I will be taking several classes during the weekend.
I Am Wearing:
A pair of denim capris and a bluish/green shirt, and my sandals...not normal for me to be wearing actual shoes in the house; but am getting ready to leave in a few minutes.
Today I am still in my pajamas at 1:00 pm!! I am wearing a pair of pink and purple flowered pj's and socks on my feet (they were cold last night!).
A pair of denim capris and a bluish/green shirt, and my sandals...not normal for me to be wearing actual shoes in the house; but am getting ready to leave in a few minutes.
Today I am still in my pajamas at 1:00 pm!! I am wearing a pair of pink and purple flowered pj's and socks on my feet (they were cold last night!).
I Am Reading:
After hearing this wonderful novelist and storyteller the other night, I just had to buy her book...and they had autographed copies available at the event (of course!)...
So, I started reading her book "Love Story" the next morning and am having a hard time putting it down!
Check out this website for more information on her book tour: Karen Kingsbury Love Story Tour

So, I started reading her book "Love Story" the next morning and am having a hard time putting it down!
Check out this website for more information on her book tour: Karen Kingsbury Love Story Tour
I finished "Love Story" in record time! Then, started reading "Bitter Harvest" by Ann Rule; a true crime story.
I Am Hoping:
My husband doesn't get upset when I tell him (today) that I will be attending a retreat this weekend.
Normally I come home at night to sleep and then go back the next morning; so I will only be gone during the days, Friday through Sunday.
{And he took it just fine! As long as he has food, his medication set up for him, and a little money in his pocket, he will be just fine!}
And he did just fine while I was gone. Now to let him know it happens again this coming weekend!!
{And he took that one just fine, too! I think he is getting used to me being away scrapbooking on the weekends!!}
I Am Learning:
What am I learning this week? That I really do need the times away from home that I am able to get...
Whenever I go away, my husband really does miss me. I realize that! And, I think he needs to miss me so he understands just what I do for him.
But, with dementia, I don't think he really sees it! And, I am learning day by day just how this "dementia" really takes so much away from a person.
Though he is able to stay alone for short periods of time, I realize that will come to an end sooner than later...
Today I am learning that I am so truly blessed! I am learning to say "thank you" to the many things my friends do for and with me; and to the things they give to me...things that are not cheap or inexpensive but that they no longer have a need for.
In My Kitchen:
It is fairly clean; and leftovers are on the menu for tonight. I'm not sure what I'll fix with those bar-b-que hot dogs; but they are soooo delicious!
Thank you to my friend who gave me the leftovers!
And what is in my fridge now? Some fried chicken, bread, pasta and pizza left from a couple of the meals at the retreat.
Guess what's for dinner?!
Shared Quote:
From the very last paragraph in "Love Story": "...Their love story had not been easy. But they ended up just where they needed to be. Together."
And I wrote: "Amen! God uses our mistakes to help us grow into who He wants and needs us to be...This is the Baxters' story; is this my story, too?!"
A Moment From My Day:
And with the ending of another month in the year 2017, so ends another week of Simple Woman's Daybook!
Join me again next week for a look into this simple woman's day...
Thank you to my friend who gave me the leftovers!
And what is in my fridge now? Some fried chicken, bread, pasta and pizza left from a couple of the meals at the retreat.
Guess what's for dinner?!
Shared Quote:
From the very last paragraph in "Love Story": "...Their love story had not been easy. But they ended up just where they needed to be. Together."
And I wrote: "Amen! God uses our mistakes to help us grow into who He wants and needs us to be...This is the Baxters' story; is this my story, too?!"
A Moment From My Day:
I was very productive in finishing a few projects this weekend...some things that I had wanted or needed to do. Now, to put together what to work on next weekend...didn't I already say that?! I am repeating myself trying to get this finished today!!
And with the ending of another month in the year 2017, so ends another week of Simple Woman's Daybook!
Join me again next week for a look into this simple woman's day...
I love your Daybook entries. My favorite time alone is early morning when my back gets me up and I get to watch want I want on TV. Have a blessed and beautiful week!