July 24, 2017
Looking Out My Window:
Not a typical Monday morning; yet, perhaps it is!
At 5:55 am my head was splitting with sinus congestion and I was not ready to get up! So, I took sinus medicine and laid back down. I did fall back asleep...eventually!
And woke up again at 8:45 am!!
Did not intend to sleep so late; but I guess I needed it...and now I am very energetic!
Outside my window? The sun is shining brightly; it's a beautiful day so far. But, the rain will come; sometime around lunch time, they just said on TV. The rain will fade, but the heat will remain...
Oh, Well!! It's an inside day for me anyway! Getting chores done so I can have a fun week the rest of the days!
Not a typical Monday morning; yet, perhaps it is!
At 5:55 am my head was splitting with sinus congestion and I was not ready to get up! So, I took sinus medicine and laid back down. I did fall back asleep...eventually!
And woke up again at 8:45 am!!
Did not intend to sleep so late; but I guess I needed it...and now I am very energetic!
Outside my window? The sun is shining brightly; it's a beautiful day so far. But, the rain will come; sometime around lunch time, they just said on TV. The rain will fade, but the heat will remain...
Oh, Well!! It's an inside day for me anyway! Getting chores done so I can have a fun week the rest of the days!
I Am Thinking:
I need to get it all together...for real!
Not the things that I need to take to a retreat; but the things I need to have on hand for if/when anything happens that I cannot put my hands on the important things: birth certificates; marriage license; social security cards and info; passports; wills (need to have one first!); insurance documents...things like that!
Why think about this? It's important!! I don't want my kids to have to wonder where things are. I may be able to find things in this mess of a craft/computer/whatever room; but I don't want them to have to dig around to find what they need.
I need to get it all together...for real!
Not the things that I need to take to a retreat; but the things I need to have on hand for if/when anything happens that I cannot put my hands on the important things: birth certificates; marriage license; social security cards and info; passports; wills (need to have one first!); insurance documents...things like that!
Why think about this? It's important!! I don't want my kids to have to wonder where things are. I may be able to find things in this mess of a craft/computer/whatever room; but I don't want them to have to dig around to find what they need.
I Am Thankful:
For a loving family; for friends who care; for a church home where I am welcome and matter how many Sundays I have missed!
I walked into the Sanctuary at our church yesterday morning and felt as if I were walking into a new place...full of people that I knew! It was wonderful; and it was special to be greeted by "family".

I walked into the Sanctuary at our church yesterday morning and felt as if I were walking into a new place...full of people that I knew! It was wonderful; and it was special to be greeted by "family".
One of My Favorite Things:
Living a flexible life; one where I can do whatever I want, at whatever pace I wish...
Yet, I can still finish what needs to be done and still have time to do fun things...
Like spending some time putting together a couple of layouts, including finding photos that can be added!
That's flexibility...
That's retirement!
I Am Creating:
Saturday I joined a few of my friends at our crafting place - that is actually the name of the place where we craft...Our Crafting Place, or OCP!! It is three storage units side by side with the walls taken down, making a nice space for scrapbooking. With fans all over the room, it's actually a nice place for crafting even in the heat of the day, most days!
I was very productive! I created two one-page layouts to add to my Keller's Creations retreat pages. And, finished two of the three layouts from a class I took, "Scrap without Scraps".
Now, to order photos to add to these pages!!
I Am Hoping:
For a productive week. Since I don't have a lot of places I need to run out to each day, I can actually get some things done around the apartment.
I really do plan to get these boxes in some kind of order so I can get to the table and continue sorting photos!
My determination is certain!!
In My Kitchen:
Living a flexible life; one where I can do whatever I want, at whatever pace I wish...
Yet, I can still finish what needs to be done and still have time to do fun things...
Like spending some time putting together a couple of layouts, including finding photos that can be added!
That's flexibility...
That's retirement!
I Am Creating:
Saturday I joined a few of my friends at our crafting place - that is actually the name of the place where we craft...Our Crafting Place, or OCP!! It is three storage units side by side with the walls taken down, making a nice space for scrapbooking. With fans all over the room, it's actually a nice place for crafting even in the heat of the day, most days!
I was very productive! I created two one-page layouts to add to my Keller's Creations retreat pages. And, finished two of the three layouts from a class I took, "Scrap without Scraps".
Now, to order photos to add to these pages!!
I Am Wearing:
My gray pajama bottoms and a loose-fitting, comfy black and gray night shirt...and a pair of white socks with pink hearts on my feet!
My gray pajama bottoms and a loose-fitting, comfy black and gray night shirt...and a pair of white socks with pink hearts on my feet!
I Am Reading:
Still reading "The Best of Me" by Nicholas Sparks. Now, I know I have seen this as a movie; still not sure about reading it. But, it's good and I can't seem to put it down...
But, I have things to do today!!
Still reading "The Best of Me" by Nicholas Sparks. Now, I know I have seen this as a movie; still not sure about reading it. But, it's good and I can't seem to put it down...
But, I have things to do today!!
I Am Hoping:
For a productive week. Since I don't have a lot of places I need to run out to each day, I can actually get some things done around the apartment.
I really do plan to get these boxes in some kind of order so I can get to the table and continue sorting photos!
My determination is certain!!
I Am Learning:
Sometimes I feel I am not learning the lessons of life that need to be learned:
Like keeping my mouth shut when hubby says something hurtful.
But, I am learning that when I do keep my mouth shut, it really doesn't hurt as much because he goes on as if nothing has even been said.
Unfortunately, that is how it is with dementia! And, if I can learn the lessons, life will be easier for me.
Sometimes I feel I am not learning the lessons of life that need to be learned:
Like keeping my mouth shut when hubby says something hurtful.
But, I am learning that when I do keep my mouth shut, it really doesn't hurt as much because he goes on as if nothing has even been said.
Unfortunately, that is how it is with dementia! And, if I can learn the lessons, life will be easier for me.
In My Kitchen:
So far this morning I have eaten breakfast and put the rest of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. It is almost finished running!
I have cleaned out the microwave and swept the kitchen floor.
The towels are in the washer, waiting for the dishwasher to finish.
A package with two ham steaks are on the counter thawing for dinner. Not sure what will go with them; but I have veggies in the freezer and potatoes in the cabinet!
It's what's for dinner...
Post Script:
I have been trying to read more of my blogging friends' posts - again! I don't alwaysget take the chance to do so; but whenever I do, I am not disappointed.
My friend, Karen, has been on a journey to healing after childhood sexual abuse. Her words always seem to resonate with me and fill my soul with hope, though my journey is different than hers.
Karen is learning to let her voice be heard; and through the words of her blog, she shares her journey.
We all struggle at one time or another to have our voices heard. Whatever journey we each may be on, her words may be inspirational and helpful to you as well.
Read Karen's words here. Perhaps her voice will inspire you on your journey to find your voice!
Shared Quote:
I have many friends that fall into that category! They are a special part of my life; whether I know them personally, or we have just connected online...they are still an important part of my life.
Thank you, Friend, for your friendship!
A Moment From My Day:
I love spending a nice Sunday afternoon with my family! When we all get together, we don't really have to do anything; just being together is special.
While three of the grandkids were playing nicely upstairs (the 3, 6 and 9 year olds); the 17 year old was sketching beside me on the couch; and the 4 year old was walking (running?) back and forth laughing happily...
The husbands were relaxing; some were actually sleeping; one was openly bored...
And my two daughters and I were enjoying "Beauty and the Beast." The "boys" were not impressed! But, I had not seen it before; my older daughter had seen it once, by herself; and the younger one had borrowed the video and seen it twice by herself!
I loved it!! Hopefully in the future, when a "girly" movie comes out, we can go see it and just leave the "boys" with the kids!!
And so ends another post for the Simple Woman's Daybook blog...these days are just going by way too fast for me! This is the perfect way for me to keep up with "what's happening"!
Join me again next week for a look into this simple woman's day...
I have cleaned out the microwave and swept the kitchen floor.
The towels are in the washer, waiting for the dishwasher to finish.
A package with two ham steaks are on the counter thawing for dinner. Not sure what will go with them; but I have veggies in the freezer and potatoes in the cabinet!
It's what's for dinner...
Post Script:
I have been trying to read more of my blogging friends' posts - again! I don't always
My friend, Karen, has been on a journey to healing after childhood sexual abuse. Her words always seem to resonate with me and fill my soul with hope, though my journey is different than hers.
Karen is learning to let her voice be heard; and through the words of her blog, she shares her journey.
We all struggle at one time or another to have our voices heard. Whatever journey we each may be on, her words may be inspirational and helpful to you as well.
Read Karen's words here. Perhaps her voice will inspire you on your journey to find your voice!
Shared Quote:
I have many friends that fall into that category! They are a special part of my life; whether I know them personally, or we have just connected online...they are still an important part of my life.
Thank you, Friend, for your friendship!
A Moment From My Day:
I love spending a nice Sunday afternoon with my family! When we all get together, we don't really have to do anything; just being together is special.
While three of the grandkids were playing nicely upstairs (the 3, 6 and 9 year olds); the 17 year old was sketching beside me on the couch; and the 4 year old was walking (running?) back and forth laughing happily...
The husbands were relaxing; some were actually sleeping; one was openly bored...
And my two daughters and I were enjoying "Beauty and the Beast." The "boys" were not impressed! But, I had not seen it before; my older daughter had seen it once, by herself; and the younger one had borrowed the video and seen it twice by herself!
I loved it!! Hopefully in the future, when a "girly" movie comes out, we can go see it and just leave the "boys" with the kids!!
And so ends another post for the Simple Woman's Daybook blog...these days are just going by way too fast for me! This is the perfect way for me to keep up with "what's happening"!
Join me again next week for a look into this simple woman's day...
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