Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Does This Spark Joy?

Sound familiar??

Anyone who has heard of Marie Kondo, even just a little bit, will understand this question!

I have never actually watched any of her YouTube videos; or read any of her books (or is there just one?!).

I have read through a lot of posts and comments on Facebook of others who are following her ideas; and others who are not.

While I am not really following her ideas, I am trying to declutter my "stuff" and get rid of things...

That I no longer need!

No, I am not going to thank my "stuff" and then let it go.  No, I am not going to consider whether it "sparks joy" or not...

But, I will determine if it is useful to me or not.

What did bring me joy was to have a friend give me two bags of clothes!  And, there were a lot of things that I could use.  They are now washed and hanging in my closet.

I do have a few things that will end up being given away or donated; some that I have had a while and no longer use.  But, it brings me joy when I go into my closet and have clothes that look nice and make me feel good about myself.

That is what sparks joy for me!

And being able to give to others sparks joy, too.

So, as I go through my "stuff" and decide whether to keep it or get rid of it, I will think of others that will be able to use it.  And gladly give it away...

Sparking joy for myself as well as the receiver!

So, here's your question...

What sparks joy for you?!  (Not a debate for or against the Marie Kondo way...just a question for you to ponder or share if you wish.)

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Celebrating Precious Joys

My Word for the Year is JOY...

So far, I have done well with posting every week; like, TWO WHOLE POSTS!!

The first week I talked about how JOY could be found EVERYWHERE; and that sometimes it is a quiet, inner joy.  Last week I shared overwhelming joy; the exuberant kind of joy that is apparent to all around you.

Today I want to share a few times I found joy in unexpected ways, and realized that JOY really IS everywhere!

Celebrating a few of the Joys I have experienced so far:

My granddaughter running to me and jumping into my arms with a great big hug!

Here she is running off some energy
after her dance recital ended.

Watching a precious dog do tricks on America's Got Talent.

Opening up a Christmas gift wrapped in "Joy" wrapping paper.

Celebrating my husband's birthday with all three of the "kids" and four of the six grandkids.
We all enjoyed a delicious meal
at Sonny's BBQ!

Enjoying a bowl of ice cream, covered up in a cozy blanket, while watching a Hallmark movie.

Reading the perfect quote or scripture that I needed to hear that very moment!

These are just a few instances of finding Joy...

I know there will be many more in the days, weeks and months to come as I share my Word for the Year!!

Share in the comments some times when you have found JOY!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Overwhelmed with Joy!

"When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy!"  Matthew 2:10 (NRSV)

Have you ever felt that way?  Overwhelmed with joy?  Filled with such joy that you couldn't hold it inside?

This little boy sure is displaying an overwhelming joy!!

What does that mean?  "Overwhelming"?

According to, "Overwhelmed" is a verb which means:

"Bury or drown beneath a huge mass; give too much of a thing to (someone); inundate; have a strong emotional effect on."

Every day I am choosing joy.  But, I don't necessary expect that "joy" to always be "overwhelming"...

Like that of the little boy as he tries to catch the bubbles.

Some days it may be a quieter joy.

Many days it's really hard to find any kind of joy, even the quiet joy I spoke of last week (check it out here).  But I am determined to look anyway.

Some days it surprises me - and I laugh out loud, joyfully!

Other days I search long and hard; and finally just see the word "joy" in an unexpected place:

Yes!  That is the back of a gallon of egg nog ice cream we found during the holidays!!

But I am choosing to look for it!  To know that joy does exist and I will find it every single day.

No matter how hard or easy it may be, I will search it out every day!

What kind of joy have you found?  Share with me in the comments!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

It's Everywhere!!!

For a few months leading up to the holidays, I felt unhappy; perhaps even a little depressed.  I felt as if I had lost the happiness and joy I once had.

I tried to pull myself out of the depression; to find the happiness and show it to my family and friends.


It happened!!

I started seeing "JOY" everywhere!

In the wrappings of a Christmas gift.

In the words of a song.

In the words found in Scripture.

In the holiday decorations.

And, I started seeing it in the faces of those around me.

Hearing it in the carols and hymns being sung.

Yes!  Joy was EVERYWHERE!!

Philippians 4:4 (NLT) - "Always be full of JOY in the Lord.  I say it again - rejoice!"

During that time, I read these words in a blog posted by my friend, Teresa Hardymon:

"We often think of joy in terms of wild exhilaration or shouting from the rooftops.  But joy can also be a quiet peace that settles in the bottom of our soul and wraps a scarf of contentment around us.

"For me this year, joy has been on the quieter side.  Maybe it's been that way for you too."

Yes!  My joy, once I "found" it again, has been rather quiet.  But...

It is there!

God's assurance, found in John 16:22, says, "So you have sorrow now but I will see you again; then you will rejoice, and no one can rob you of that joy!"

As we move into a new year, and a new focus on this word - JOY - I pray that you also find your joy, and hold onto it...because "no one can rob you of that joy!"

Praying you will join me on Wednesdays for "Word Wednesday" I try to share JOY each week of 2019.