Welcome to this week's Five Minute Friday! My writing has been quite sparse lately; but I just read Kate's e-mail and this is the last FMF link-up for 2017!!!
{Check out Kate's website Heading Home for more information on the Five Minute Friday link-up.}
So, I really had to join...
Besides, when I saw the word, I already had an idea in my head!
This week's Five Minute Friday word is:

I also attended the recital of my three year old granddaughter at her pre-school where she is taking dance!
It's quite different that I am here; writing a post for Five Minute Friday!
I haven't really kept up my writing much lately. Here or anywhere else!
But, I did want to share my thoughts; it seemed to fit!
This year, I wrote another Holiday Bucket List! I had one last year too and enjoyed checking off the different things I included...
Once again, I added the usual:
- Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
- Picture with Santa
- Drink a peppermint milkshake
- Enjoy Family and Friends
- Attend the Live Nativity at church
And, there was more!!
Last year, I checked off a lot of what I had on that list. But, there were others that I did not accomplish...they were fun goals that I have wanted to do or see.
Again this year I added a few; eliminated a few. But, what was different?
Well, I guess you'd say the "content"?
First, I attended the Community Nutcracker; something I have really wanted to do for the past several years! My daughter's friend's daughter was in the Waltz of the Flowers.

Each of these performances were so different; yet they each included dance and beautiful music.
Another of those Holiday Bucket List items was to attend a concert. What I really wanted to see was the Jacksonville Symphony and Chorus in their performance of "The Messiah". That didn't happen. Maybe another year!
But, my son gave us an early Christmas present and took all of us to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra! It was amazing!!!
Then, this afternoon my husband and I attended the pre-school Christmas program. Once again we saw our granddaughter perform in the program planned by her mother, our daughter!
Yet again two completely different performances; each bringing the fun and joy of the holidays.
Well, I've exceeded my five minutes! But, there are many more items on my Holiday Bucket List that I continue to check off.
Here's a bit of fun and laughter for your enjoyment...
Hopefully I will be writing more in the coming year! Wishing each of you a wonderful Holiday and a load of blessings in the new year!!
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