Monday, December 18, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - December 18, 2017

The Simple Woman

December 18, 2017

Looking Out My Window:
A beautiful day, currently at 60 degrees with the high in the upper 70's...

Yes!  I can take that much better than all that COLD weather; and a lot better than the really HOT weather of summer!

I Am Thinking
How to really deal with certain issues; and is it because of the dementia that one doesn't do the logical things I feel should be done?

Perhaps.  But, I think staying out of it as long as he can take care of it himself, and not saying anything may be the best...

Keeps things from blowing up!

That's what I'm thinking...

I Am Thankful:
That I have friends and family to "lean" on; to share things with, and clear my head, when I just can't seem to take it any longer.

And, I am thankful to God for strength and understanding.  Though I still don't feel I am strong enough or understand enough...I know He is there for me.

Perhaps I just don't ask Him for what I need or want?!

One of My Favorite Things:
The excitement and giggles of a little child!  To see them jumping up and down in excitement to see...

Me!  And their PaPa!  And their aunts and uncles and cousins!

Family is "one" of my favorite things; though there are many!

And spending time with them all, or just one on one...

That is my favorite thing!

I Am Creating:
Creating has slowed down a bit.  I have been so busy with the Holiday Bucket List...

That is, I have actually been doing things that are on that list!!!

I did sit down the other day and make a tag for a friend; I won't show it here because she just might read today's post!

I Am Wearing:
A pair of jeans capris; a purple shirt and green and red socks...

It's all about being comfortable while I get some things done today:

Organizing and sorting Christmas gifts;
Wrapping a few that I have already purchased;
Getting a box ready to mail to a friend;
And whatever else I can fit in to get cleaned up or organized...

Now, it's time to head to the kitchen and fix some dinner!

I Am Reading:

Actually, reading two books at once!

First, I started reading "The Brethren" by John Grisham; I am not sure I will finish reading it...Just not into a bunch of inmates extorting money from inside the prison!

Then, what is probably more useful to me, I am reading "Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia" by Dr. John Dunlop.

I Am Hoping:
What am I hoping for this week?  A smooth shopping trip tomorrow; without any outbursts and yelling and...

That is what I hope for tomorrow...and every day!

I Am Learning:
As usual, I am a slow learner!  But, maybe I am learning how to deal with these situations with my husband a little better.

The family get-together (with his family) went very well.  Of course, he was ready to leave in a couple of hours; but there was still more celebrating to be done.  The gifts had not yet been given (to the kids) and the white elephant "game" had not been done (for the adults and kids too)...

We stayed longer than I thought we would though; and the time spent with family was good for both of us...

But the ride home was not very good.  Between the traffic and his yelling and criticisms, and having to turn around and go back because I left my purse!

Yeah!  I was more than ready to be home and just be by myself...

Of course, it passed.  And, he didn't even have a clue that he had been so ugly and treated me so badly.  Instead, in his eyes, I was the one being ugly and treating him badly.

But, it did pass and he totally forgot what it had been like, as usual.  If I mention it to him again, it's "all in my head" as far as he sees it.

Oh, well!  I guess I should be used to it by now.

I am not!

But, I am learning!

In My Kitchen: 
Dishes in the dishwasher; but not full enough to run it yet.

Laundry will be started soon.

Dinner?  Not sure yet.  I'll take something out and cook something that will last a couple of days.

Tomorrow we will be doing our grocery shopping; hopefully (there's that word...hope...again!) I can keep the cost down!  I still have a few gifts left to buy.

Post Script
Last week I wrote a post for the Five Minute Friday word "Different".  It kind of sums up some of the things I have been able to do over the past couple of weeks.

Check it out here.

Shared Quote:
"What if Christmas,
means a little bit more..."

The Grinch and Me!
December 2015

A Moment From My Day:
To look back over this past week, there were many moments!

But, to choose just one?  Last Sunday, we saw our "tiny dancer" at her first dance recital, dancing to my fave, "Little Drummer Boy";

First Dance Recital
December 2017
{Bijou, 3-years old}

There have been many moments like this the past couple of weeks; and I am just grateful to my family for sharing their time with me!


So ends another post for the Simple Woman's Daybook!  Another post; another week passing...

Join me again for another "chapter" in the life of this simple woman!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Five Minute Friday - DIFFERENT

Five Minute Friday

Welcome to this week's Five Minute Friday!  My writing has been quite sparse lately; but I just read Kate's e-mail and this is the last FMF link-up for 2017!!!

{Check out Kate's website Heading Home for more information on the Five Minute Friday link-up.}

So, I really had to join...

Besides, when I saw the word, I already had an idea in my head!

This week's Five Minute Friday word is:


It's quite different that I am here; writing a post for Five Minute Friday!

I haven't really kept up my writing much lately.  Here or anywhere else!

But, I did want to share my thoughts; it seemed to fit!

This year, I wrote another Holiday Bucket List!  I had one last year too and enjoyed checking off the different things I included...

Once again, I added the usual:

  • Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
  • Picture with Santa
  • Drink a peppermint milkshake
  • Enjoy Family and Friends
  • Attend the Live Nativity at church
And, there was more!!

Last year, I checked off a lot of what I had on that list.  But, there were others that I did not accomplish...they were fun goals that I have wanted to do or see.

Again this year I added a few; eliminated a few.  But, what was different?

Well, I guess you'd say the "content"?

First, I attended the Community Nutcracker; something I have really wanted to do for the past several years!  My daughter's friend's daughter was in the Waltz of the Flowers.

I also attended the recital of my three year old granddaughter at her pre-school where she is taking dance!

Each of these performances were so different; yet they each included dance and beautiful music.

Another of those Holiday Bucket List items was to attend a concert.  What I really wanted to see was the Jacksonville Symphony and Chorus in their performance of "The Messiah".  That didn't happen.  Maybe another year!

But, my son gave us an early Christmas present and took all of us to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra!  It was amazing!!!

Then, this afternoon my husband and I attended the pre-school Christmas program.  Once again we saw our granddaughter perform in the program planned by her mother, our daughter!

Yet again two completely different performances; each bringing the fun and joy of the holidays.

Well, I've exceeded my five minutes!  But, there are many more items on my Holiday Bucket List that I continue to check off.

Here's a bit of fun and laughter for your enjoyment...

Hopefully I will be writing more in the coming year!  Wishing each of you a wonderful Holiday and a load of blessings in the new year!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - December 11, 2017

The Simple Woman

December 11, 2017

Looking Out My Window:
It may have been in the mid 30's this morning; but by the time we left for our monthly breakfast, it was a bit warmer.  And a beautiful sunny day!!

I Am Thinking
'Tis the season...

For spending!

For over spending!

For making due with what I can do...

It's not the gift or the price that was paid for it; it's the thought that counts!  Right?!

That's what I think!  And, since funds are limited, I will be thinking more about the gift that keeps on giving...


And sharing with family and friends!

I Am Thankful:
For all of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me and my family; blessings given through others that are known and unknown to me!  Blessings that fill my days with joy...

Thank you, God, for all these blessings; and for all those who share their resources.  Bless those who bless others!  And, help me to be a blessing to others as well. 

One of My Favorite Things:
I love the holidays, and all of the wonderful things that I can do with my family and friends.

But, I also know that I can enjoy my family and friends throughout the year; I don't have to wait for the holidays or a special time!

My favorite things are not things; but the people that are in my life; the memories that we make together!

I Am Creating:
Crafting time has slowed a bit now that the holidays and all those events are here.

{And now that all of those swaps have been completed!}

I did join a few friends last Friday before our die cut swap and created a layout...

Naughty or Nice layout
Created by B. London

Naughty or Nice title
Created by B. London
(Make 'n Take at Girls' Day Out crop)

The colors of this layout are not traditional to the Christmas colors of red and green!  But, it's still a cute layout to use for "Naughty or Nice"...I'll find the right photos!

I Am Wearing:
A pair of jeans capri's with a white long-sleeved shirt with Christmas trees!  A pair of white socks and a pair of black slippers...

Quite a combination; but it's comfy!

I Am Reading:

I finished reading "Trading Places" by Fern Michaels and a few days later started reading "The Brethren" by John Grisham...

I Am Hoping:
For a good outcome at my husband's visit with the neurologist tomorrow...

I am not sure what I expect the outcome to be; but I know it's the step that needs to be taken at this time.

I Am Learning:
Mostly, I am learning that I need to step back and take things one day at a time.  Not to try to rush ahead and figure out what "may" happen!

I am learning that every day will not be the same as the day before or even the weeks before.  Each day brings its own set of worries or concerns; and it doesn't help me or anyone else to be worrying or concerned over things yet to be...

So, taking things one day at a time!

In My Kitchen: 
Since we left so early for our monthly breakfast, I didn't get the dishes in the dishwasher running before we left!

So, after we eat - leftovers! - I'll run a full load!

Shared Quote:

Image may contain: text

A Moment From My Day:
Every day brings its own little moments; little memories and things that make my every day a bit brighter.

Though there are moments when things don't look quite as bright as other days, it's the moments that do make my days brighter that I want to treasure and remember!


So ends another post for the Simple Woman's Daybook!  Another post; another week passing...

Join me again for another "chapter" in the life of this simple woman!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - December 4, 2017

The Simple Woman

November has come and gone!  In a flash, we are into December...


The holidays really are right around the corner; and quickly approaching.

I am looking forward to the holidays and all of the good times they bring, with family and friends.  And, I have already written out my "Holiday Bucket List" for 2017.  It doesn't look as if I will get many of them done this year, unless I get busy soon!

But, it was fun checking off the things I did last year; so I am working on it again.  Some of the items are repeated; because they are traditions or I just want to do it again!

Perhaps I will share it?!  Actually, I did share last years.  Check it out here.

And check out this week's Simple Woman's Daybook:

December 4, 2017

Looking Out My Window:
The weather outside is "delightful"!  Currently it is 67 degrees, with a high of 75.

The sun is shining; perhaps a slight breeze...

But I am inside trying to recover from a great, unexpected weekend at a retreat I had not planned to attend!  I love those unexpected events!

I Am Thinking
How blessed I am!  In so many ways!

This past weekend I attended a Scrapbook I had not expected to attend.  After all, it's almost Christmas!!

But, a friend contacted me on Friday evening and had a spot she had paid for but the other person was unable to attend.  She offered it to me, no charge; and to stay in the room with she and her sister.

Needless to say, I had an awesome time!  My friends were all glad to see me...and I was glad to be there!

And, of course, I was able to get a lot done!

I Am Thankful:
For my friends...

Especially that one special one that made this past weekend happen for me!  It was wonderful...

And, I met Teddy...

The Renaissance Resort at
World Golf Village
Me and Teddy

Yes, that is a very comfy teddy bear!!  Located in the lobby of the hotel, he was just sitting there waiting for someone to cuddly.

Actually, when we were ready to take photos, we had to ask about him.  They had put him away for a while because a bunch of kids were getting a little too rough with him!  Teddy needed a rest!

One of My Favorite Things:
Crafting is so much fun!  I enjoy taking pieces of paper and other things and making something with it.

But, crafting with friends is even more fun!  And one of my favorite things is attending scrapbooking events, including weekend retreats...

Need I say more?

I Am Creating:
Since I was at the retreat this past weekend, I was able to get a lot of things finished that had been waiting for such an occasion!

Check out what I finished during the two days:
(Make n Take)

Card Challenge

Die Cut Swap

Name Tag Challenge

Paris Theme Crop

Retreat Layout
(My Way)

St. Patrick's Day

I Am Wearing:
A pair of jeans with a blue Southern Couture t-shirt with colorful turtles on the back.  And, a pair of socks.

I Am Reading:

I have finished reading "Blessings" by Anna Quindlan and "The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks.  I also read and finished "You Belong to Me" by Mary Higgins Clark.

Now, I am reading "Trading Places" by Fern Michaels.

It seems as if I have been reading a lot; and I have.  But, the truth is...

It's been a long time since I have written a Simple Woman's Daybook post!!

I Am Hoping:
What am I hoping today?!  Well, today I am hoping that I can get my scrapbooking stuff put away...

So, I can start putting new projects together for retreats in January and February!

I Am Learning:
That "joy" and "hope" surely must go together!

During a recent Sunday School lesson, we read this verse in Romans 12:12:  "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

I knew, in pondering these words, that there was a definite connection!  Perhaps I can write more on Word Wednesday?!

In My Kitchen: 
Clean for the day!  One load of laundry in the washer; probably waiting for me to put it into the dryer!

I have also put some chicken out for dinner.  Not sure what I'll do with it...maybe put it in the crock pot, if it's thawed enough.

Shared Quote:

A Moment From My Day:
During this weekend's retreat, I stopped by to chat with one of my friends.  She shared something with me that she had found online; and I am sharing it for my "Shared Quote" this week.

My friend's husband has Parkinson's disease.  She is dealing with some of the same things that I am, as we each watch our loved one decline...

Prayers for my friend, and all those others who are caregivers to loved ones.  It is not easy watching a loved one as they decline in age and health.


So ends another post for the Simple Woman's Daybook!  Another post; another week passing...

Join me again for another "chapter" in the life of this simple woman!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Eyes of Time

This poem was written a few years ago and shared on my other blog under the label "Poetry"; check it out here.

As I was reading back over some of my poetry, I felt inspired to write more about some of them; not to add to what I had originally written, but to look at the why...

Why did I feel inspired to write more about this particular poem?

Well, just looking at the person this poem was written about brought me back to over 30 years ago when I first met him.

His eyes were the most beautiful blue!  I think that is what drew me to him.  They had a little sparkle in them and lit up when I approached him and began a conversation.

Yes, I am the one that approached him!!

Not the first blond hair blue-eyed musician I've had a crush on; the first was when I was a teenager!

The second one, a divorced 30 something mother of two!

I took a chance and approached him, asking if he ever took a break...

And when I asked him if he wanted to dance during a break, his eyes sparkled as a smile spread across his face.

I guess I have always been drawn to blue-eyed musicians!

And, on that day in May, two years ago, when I looked at those blue eyes more than thirty years from that first approach...

I realized they were not as clear and didn't sparkle as much as back then.

It had me thinking:

What else has changed about this person that I was so drawn to all those years ago?

And the poem enfolded...

The Eyes of Time

Blue eyes
Once bright
And sparkling,
Flashing to and fro,
Taking it all in.

The sparkle gone;
The tiredness obvious;
What memories
Behind those
Blue eyes,
No longer bright,
No longer sparkling.

Blond hair -
A spot balding;

No longer blond -
When did the gray
Become more prominent?
The balding spot
Filling your head?

You shuffle
Down the walk,
Slower and slower -
Steps once quick and sure,
No longer sure;
Which way to turn?

Did the eyes see...
You became
Slowed down...
A slower pace?

How long 'til slow
Becomes slower...
Becomes slowed...

Do the eyes know...
How long before
You no longer go...
On your own?

So much of life behind;
How much is left ahead?
How much?

The eyes of time -
They see...
So much!
They know...
So much!

The eyes of time...

{BJLondon - May, 2015}

So, as I move on through this journey of dementia with my blond hair blue-eyed husband...

My eyes look hard for the person he once was; and the changes that age and disease have brought about in the man I met and fell for so long ago.

It reminds me of the person that used to be.

And that makes him even more endearing to me;

Because, deep inside he is still the same person... 

And together we will continue on this journey that I have come to think of as "dementia's demands."