Time has totally gotten away from me!! I haven't done very well with the "Write 28 Days" challenge; in fact, I haven't done much writing at all lately! But I am still determined to finish this challenge!
The word for Day 22 is: Glory.

What an appropriate word for this "Easter Monday"!

We were all filled with the Glory of God!

We were all "surrounded by His Glory"...
Yes! We were all surrounded by His Glory!! "I can only Imagine what it will be..."
And sitting right next to me...was my husband! Most Sundays I drive him to his church where he spends about an hour in fellowship with his church family.
Last Sunday, it was my week to serve as Deacon; and he went with me. Since I had to serve during communion, he just sat out in the foyer and waited for me.
And again yesterday, since I really wanted to attend my church, he wanted to go with me again! So, I sat with him during the whole service.
While he was a little confused, and didn't remember what I had told him would "happen", he did stay in the pew the whole service!
He may not have heard or seen much of what was going on around him, but as each person spoke to him, he smiled and shook his head.
And when he greeted our young pastor after worship, the smile spread even wider across his face was priceless.
God's Glory shone through all that messed up brain caused by the dementia.
And let me into his world just a little bit more.
Thank you, God, for the messed up people in this world. For those who raise the roof on a church building; and those whose smiles when baptized lifted those in the congregation. For the words of special hymns and new anthems, and the group of people sharing their talent to sing them. For pastors young and old who have prepared us all to live in Your Glory.
Thank you for what Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday mean for us; but especially for what You did for us in sending your Son to this earth...
And now you prepare a place for us when our time comes to enter into Heaven along with you and all the other Angels who have gone before us.
Thank you for this Easter Monday. May we always live in the moment and share what you have done for us.
Amen. And Amen!
Go to Write 28 Days 2019 for a list of all posts for this challenge. Even though the challenged ended on February 28th, I am still attempting to write the last few posts; it's taking me a while, but I do plan to finish the rest of the prompted words!
To check out my first Write 31 Days challenge from 2014, "31 Days of Dementia's Demands", go to Barbara's Blog.
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