Friday, December 16, 2016

Five Minute Friday - NOW

I just don't know where the time goes; or even where this year has gone!  My intent, after the "write31days" challenge in October, was to link up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group of bloggers...but my intentions, and the time, flew out of control!

But, here I am!!  Ready to write a post for this week's Five Minute Friday.  And, because I was so sure I could write using last week's word, Joy, I am going to merge it with this week's.

Be sure to check here for more information about participating in Five Minute Friday.

This week's word is:  Now
Last week's word was:  Joy


It was to be an easy word for me.  My "word for 2016" is Joy!  There were quite a number of posts written - in fact there are over 20; and can be found on my "old" blog,

Discouraged at having to create a "new" blog (this one), I guess I just let go of the Word Wednesday posts on Joy.  But, so much had been heard or read about this word over the past week or so...I really thought I could do it!

Now...yes, that's this week's word!!

Now that the time has passed to write last week's post, I've determined to write this week's!

What I crave - that's another word I did write on! -  What I crave is joy...NOW!

But, I am learning that it takes more than just happiness to find that true joy!  It is so much more than happiness; true joy goes so much deeper...

And, true joy comes out of the depths of the soul that has experienced sadness, unhappiness, that deep inside sheer grief that one experiences at the time of great loss.

In writing all of those 20-something posts about joy, I struggled.  How could I find true joy when things just weren't quite right; were certainly not happy?  How could I show joy on the outside when on the inside I was hurting, deeply one who I thought was my soul-mate.

Sure, we have had our ups and downs through the over 30 years of marriage.  Yes, there have been times I wanted to leave, but...the children?  And, I stayed.

Now, the children have children of their own.  I have my cat...

I have the grandchildren and my other family and friends; and I am OK on the outside.  On the inside?  Perhaps I am grieving; I am grieving that relationship that I do not have.  I know why I am still here; yet, it's hard.

But, now I know...and I do have some joy, though it may not always be apparent; at least to me!

I have Joy...Now!

And, I pray I can hold on to that joy whenever things get rough; and rougher and rougher, as it surely will.

So, now I have completed the last two word prompts for Five Minute Friday...

I need to sit down, in the "quiet" of my computer/craft room, and write more often!

I resolve to do just that!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Simple Woman's Daybook - December 5, 2016


December 4, 2016

Looking Out My Window:
This morning was a beautiful, sunny day at 9:00 a.m., a great 69 degrees with a slight chance of rain.  But, the temp went up to the mid 80's!!

It was nice waking up to sunshine instead of the dark...instead of leaving just after 8:00, I was able to sleep in a bit.  Now to get on with my day!

I Am Thinking:
About the season of the year we are now in...Advent/Christmas.  It IS a wonderful time of year and I am loving all of the festivities that surround it.  It's tiring, yes.  It's expensive, yes; or it can be!  But, it is a beautiful, colorful, sharing, caring, loving kind of year!

And, I am enjoying every minute of it that I possibly can...

In spite of one who tries hard to make it other than beautiful, etc.

I Am Thankful:
For family and friends and the ability to do what I can for others.  It may not be much; but I am blessed with a creative side and am making things to share with others!

One of My Favorite Things:
Making things and giving them to others; I am participating in a December challenge where we create something and share a photo of it on the Facebook thread...a bit like writing a blog and sharing with my group of bloggers!!

I decided to have a giveaway for the first one I created and am ready to send it to the lucky recipient...there were actually 15 ladies that entered!

Here is December 1st challenge:

December 3rd challenge (I didn't get one doe for the 2nd):

And, December 4th challenge:

Today's challenge is to create a Christmas card and send it to someone who needs to receive it.  So, the creative juices are flowing...

I Am Creating:
What I have recently created is pictured above with the "Favorite Things" prompt!

I Am Wearing:
A pair of jeans and an aqua shirt and my comfy bedroom slippers.  I need to put shoes on to go to the post office!

I Am Reading:
I finished reading "The Cabin" by Carla Neggers, and discovered another one she wrote, "The Widow".  Now that I am finished reading those two books, I picked up another book from that stack I received, and started reading "The Blessing" by Jude Deveraux.

Though it is not a mystery, I can't seem to put it down because it is a beautiful romantic story that I am enjoying!

I Am Hoping:
The holidays continue to be as "beautiful, colorful, sharing, caring, loving" as it has been so far.  Some days start off or end up not quite so much of these feelings; but once we all start gathering together, some people may not be so loving.

So, I am hoping {and praying} that it doesn't turn into little battles that make me angry and frustrated and sad.

I Am Learning:
Actually, I am trying to learn that "less is more", especially in the words I use when speaking to my husband.

He is hard of hearing; and when I try to really talk with him, or answer a question, I tend to say too much.  Less is more when it comes to the answers I give.  And the quicker I can give the answer, the less likely it is that he will assume that I am going to make him angry with what he thinks I am saying...

In My Kitchen:
The dishwasher is full; I need to unload it!

Pork chops are thawing for me to cook for dinner.  Not sure what I'll fix to go with them.

Laundry was done late last week; so not much to do...

Lately, Mondays have been my day to babysit my youngest grandchild.  But my daughter's lessons were switched to Wednesday; so that will be my day instead.

Shared Quote:
I may have to look up my friend I met last year:

A Moment From My Day:
Today is an unusual day for me; I've been spending my Mondays with my granddaughter while my daughter teaches a few piano lessons.

Her students requested she change to Wednesday this week; so I am actually at home...creating!

After I finish writing this post, I'll be making a few Christmas cards...two are for a challenge; the others will just be extras!

{And, here is the card I made for the challenge; two of same card...and will select a couple of ladies from my crafting groups to send them to tomorrow.}

And, that ends this week's Simple Woman's Daybook post!  Check back next week...the days are only going to get busier; but I feel the need to write!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Five Minute Friday - CRAVE

It has been a few weeks since I shared a post, linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group of bloggers!

But, here I am!!  Be sure to check here for more information about participating in Five Minute Friday.

This week's word is:  Crave

Cravings?  Sure, I have had cravings!  Lately, I am craving the holiday shakes:  Mint Chocolate Chip; Peppermint; and even Eggnog!

So far, I haven't acted on those cravings; I am still waiting for the right time to enjoy one though.

But, I crave another even more important thing...

I crave hugs!  I love giving hugs to people I church, family gatherings, other social and crafty gatherings; that's my sign of love and affection for my family and friends.

And, when I give those hugs, I also receive a hug in return!

Life can get so busy that the things we love get lost in the busy-ness!  Especially during the holidays, when people seem to be in need of the closeness from others.


This is my way of sending a hug to my family and friends when connecting via Facebook.  Those "double arms" are expressing my need to hug...

My craving has been satisfied!  But, I'll never stop craving the hugs!

And, if nothing else, I'll just hug and cuddle with the cat!

So, I think my time is up!

Catch me again next week for Five Minute Friday!