A year ago I was driving down the road - can't remember where I was or where I was going! But there, right in front of me, was a BIG billboard advertising a radio station...announcing that they would "Help you find JOY this Christmas"!
JOY! My word for the year...the past few years! And, yes! I definitely could use a little bit of JOY this Christmas!!
Picture that in a very big billboard, right in front of me...
That really caught my attention!!
I have really been trying for several years to "find joy" Or to at least write on my blog about the joys that surround me...surround all of us.
Yes. My "word for the year" has been JOY. For the past few years!
I figured if I couldn't find it or write about it in one year, I'd just keep trying...still failing year after year.
Last year I read a verse that used HOPE along with JOY...
"May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE..." (Romans 15:13 NIV).
I decided to use both HOPE and JOY, or whatever word I felt inspired to write about!
Well, my writing still hasn't taken off again...a few ideas here or there that really didn't go anywhere. But, I did find JOY in the music I listened to on that radio station. Some made me cry; others made me smile, knowing it was the perfect thing I needed at that exact moment!
Now, a year later, I am still listening to JOY FM; and was happy when they started playing 24-hour Christmas music recently. The truth is I have been watching the Hallmark Christmas movies since they started airing them...in October! And, could also listen to the music that early!!
The year since I first saw that billboard hasn't been all joyful. With the ups and downs of a caregiver for my husband who has dementia and hearing loss, each day is a challenge. Many days are spent in my craft room making something, or on the computer chatting online with friends.
On days I have errands to do away from home, he always wants to tag along to "get out of the apartment". Those outings can also be challenging; and we don't always see eye to eye on what we will do (or most often, buy or eat!).
Today was one of those days!
I was determined not to let his attitude, mood or words make the outing something to dread. I turned the volume up on the radio where JOY FM was playing its usual Christmas music, and started singing along...
His "Whaaat? What did you say?!" in an ugly way, was answered with my "Nothing! I am singing along with the radio!" Which he didn't hear right away and I had to repeat a few times. (This is typical of the way our conversations go; ending in a lot of ugliness and frustration, mostly on his part, but mine too.)
A silent prayer helped. And what was the next thing I heard from the radio...
"Happy Holidays! May your..."
I smiled and silently thanked Him for putting JOY back into my day!
God's blessings weren't done yet, though!
Later, just before arriving at our last stop, God assured me He was with me through the words of one of my favorite Christmas songs, "Breath of Heaven", sung by Amy Grant.
These words always make the tears fall freely down my cheeks; especially these...
"Do you wonder as you watch my face
If a wiser one should have had my place
But I offer all I am
For the mercy of your plan
Help me be strong
Helm me be
Help me!"
I can just feel the pain and hear the pleas in the last three lines! Pleas from one who has no idea what the future holds; and is crying out to the only One who can help...
Someone like me!!
So, a year after finding joy through a radio station called JOY, I continue to find joy through music. And through the stories and lyrics and other everyday banter that touches my heart and keeps me going!
Thank you, JOY FM!! And thank you God for for that billboard right in front of my face that "Helped me find JOY during Christmas" and always!
{Check out the JOY FM on your radio station!! Find it here on Facebook. Let them help YOU find JOY too!}