Saturday, November 17, 2018

Five Minute Friday - ONE

Five Minute Friday

Time for another episode of Five Minute Friday, a weekly link-up where we write for five minutes using a word prompt.  Check out Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday Community on Facebook.  This week's word is:


One day I will wake up in the morning...

Refreshed, ready to face the day.  No headache or aching back or neck and shoulders from sleeping on a not-so-comfy bed.

One day I will be greeted with a pleasant "Good morning" and a smile rather than a grumpy "Whaaaat?  Why are you looking at me?"

Sometimes I feel as if I have lost myself and the happiness and joy I once had.

Many days I wake up and just want to roll over and go back to sleep until I can wake to that time, a time not so long ago when I was happy and joyful.

I know it's there...

Because I find it when I am with my family and friends.  I know when I look at my "children" and grandchildren.  I find it when I share an evening with my crafting friends.  I find it when I share a meal with a friend I haven't seen in a long time.

I know at one time there was happiness and joy in my life all of the time!

 I know that one day I will find that happiness and joy again...

I know I will live out my days as the happy and joyful person I once was; the one that I know still can be found inside.  The one that enjoys life and wishes to share the happiness and joy with others.

That is my wish; that is my dream.

And last night I found the sign that assures me it will be so!

Just a small word on the wrapping of an early Christmas gift received from my anonymous Elfster sister at our gift exchange.

But, that one word - Joy - makes me realize that I do have that happiness and joy...and it's always been there.

I just need to look for it new every single day...

One day at a time!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for reading and commenting, Sandra! I haven't been writing much lately; but this kept running through my mind when I read Kate's word - ONE! As the thoughts come, I am slowly making my way back to the blog...I also need to take the time to read others' posts as I am encouraged by their words as well! Thanks again!!!
