Friday, April 28, 2017

Five Minute Friday - MORE

Well, here I am again!  Time for another Five Minute Friday, and I am...writing again!  It feels great to be writing, sharing what's inside!

Be sure to check here for more information about the Five Minute Friday weekly posts!

This week's word is More:

I want More!

Well, that is what Jennifer Lopez says on the upcoming new show about dancing, in which she is one of the judges...

After listening to a group perform, she says,

"I want more!"  With a grin on her face and "boo's" from the audience who think she is dismissing the group.

Then she adds the fact that she wants them to stick around so she can hear more of what they have to share!

Unfortunately, this is not my cry.

Instead, I cry out, Enough!  I have had enough and I don't want any more!!

Each day brings its own different "experience" or situation.  Each day I see a different side of what dementia can do to a person...

As a caregiver, I know I should be more patient, understanding, considerate, whatever!  But, as a spouse who is the caregiver, it's hard.

Yes, I guess I do want more:

More love!
More understanding!
More time together - without the arguing and misunderstandings.
More cuddles and hugs and...

Just more of what you would think a spouse would give.

But, instead I say I don't want any more of the reality of our relationship:

No more yelling at me because he hasn't really heard what I said.

No more spending half the time repeating what I've said two or three times already; only to have him reply, "Whatever" because he still hasn't heard me!

No more handling things all alone.

No more wanting to do things other couples do; instead, just doing it alone, or with other family or friends...or just not doing it at all!

I am ready for the future to be more of the fun that I see other couples enjoying.  Is that really too much to ask for?!

Well, I am sure my five minutes are up; so, I will stop for now!

Hopefully I will be back next week!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Does Joy Come Before Hope?

My word for 2017 is "Hope".

Yet, I find myself back-tracking to last year's word, "Joy".

I didn't finish writing about Joy.

Perhaps that is why I haven't been able to write much about Hope!

Perhaps life has gotten in the way, and my focus has not been on the right person?

My daughter recommended the book, "Dancing with my Father", by Sally Clarkson.  I started reading slowly, and stalled on Chapter Three.

These words are what stopped me:

"...not realizing it, I had built values in my heart and a foundation for a Kingdom that was pretty much dependent on this world and on people rather than on God.

"I thought marriage and romance would make me feel loved and children would fulfill the longing to be cherished and revered; friends and family would gratify my need to be liked and appreciated...

"And material trappings of the world would keep me satisfied.  I was reaching for all the things I thought would bring me Joy instead of reaching for the true source of Joy - God Himself."

So, these words had me thinking.

Maybe I wasn't able to complete my Word for the Year because I really hadn't found joy myself!

Maybe I needed to find Joy before I could really have Hope.

Perhaps I needed to look in a different direction to find both!

Perhaps I need to look deep inside myself to find Joy before I can find the Hope that is also deep within;  the Joy and Hope that comes from only one source...

God - Himself!

This song, by Tenth Avenue North, has also spoken to me...

In the depth of my soul...

Where Joy and Hope can be found!

The refrain cries out:

"I have this hope
in the depth of my soul...
In the flood or the fire
You're with me
and you won't let go!"

God is with me - and you!  He has that Joy and Hope for each of us!

Perhaps once I find my Joy...

The Hope will follow?

I pray you can find your Joy and Hope as well!  Share with me...

Monday, April 24, 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook - April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017

Looking Out My Window:
It is almost 90 degrees and HOT HOT HOT!

But rain is in the forecast for this evening; and we really need the rain!

That was Sunday; and it was hot!  Today, Monday, is much nicer; mid to high 70's is much better!!

I Am Thinking:
There are words in my head that want to come out.  There are things I have been trying to write my journal; on my blog.

But, they just won't come together!

Or, I get busy and don't get back to the computer.

This afternoon, I am getting a head start for tomorrow's SWD!!

And, here I am on Monday afternoon, putting everything together so I can publish...

ON MONDAY...TODAY!!  For a change!!

I Am Thankful:
For the lovely young woman we have called to be our minister!  She is bringing a whole new feel to our services; a whole different approach to the messages...

Messages that can actually be understood, and related to our "every day" lives.

Thank you, God, for Pastor Erin!

One of My Favorite Things:
I have said it before; and I will say it again...

Many more times!!

One of my favorite "things" is spending time with my family and friends.  I cannot get enough time with my family and soak that up as often as I can!  I really cannot get enough time with my friends, though it seems I am always doing something...

That is what I love about this life of retirement:  I don't have that day to day routine of getting up and going to "work"!


I Am Creating:
I have been doing more crafting lately; and still have projects to complete.

Well, that is always a true statement!

I have boxes and boxes of photos that I want to get into albums; but it is so over-whelming that I'm not sure how much of it will get done.

But, it's something to strive for, I guess!

I did finish a couple of challenges this past weekend.  The challenge was to use only two colors for a tag; include beads and ribbon and four flowers...and here is what I created:

Fabulous Pink and Brown

Sparkly Green and Gold

I Am Wearing:
A pair of gray shorts and a light blue top; and my slippers.  Relaxing this afternoon after attending church and a luncheon sponsored by our youth as a fund-raiser for their summer mission trip.

{And today I am wearing a pair of tan capris and a green shirt...and my slippers!!}

I Am Reading:
"Dancing with my Father" by Sally Clarkson, recommended by my daughter.  It is very good, but I am taking my time with it.

I stalled on chapter three because of the words that prompted me to write for Word Wednesday...

The author says, in part:

"...I was reaching for all the things I thought would bring me Joy instead of reaching for the true source of Joy - God Himself.

"...I needed to reach for the One who created Joy in order that I might be truly fulfilled and at peace."

Joy?  That was last year's word!

Well, needless to say, my Word Wednesday will be a little different this time!

Check it out...well, now I have to write it!!

I Am Hoping:
To get back to de-cluttering after this week (I'll be babysitting each day from Monday thru Thursday; and resting on Friday thru Sunday!!).

I Am Learning:
I am learning that the lessons keep coming; every day they keep coming.

And, I am not learning them very well.

I need to take a second look at the triggers and find a way to get through them...

In My Kitchen: 
Dishes in the dishwasher, ready to run once I've finished cooking (and eating) dinner!

On the Menu:  Sliced ham and scalloped potatoes with rolls or biscuits.

A counter full of bread and rolls and bagels and...way too much starch-y stuff!!

Post Script
I took a break from writing to watch the Ellen Degeneres Show and was inspired by this young woman who, at 17 was in a car accident and has been told she will never walk again.  At 24, it has not stopped her from dancing.

Read Chelsie Hill's story here.

And watch her dance on the Ellen Show:

Shared Quote:
I found the following quote in the book, "Dancing with my Father"; ironically, the above young woman, Chelsie Hill, was dancing with her father!

Amazing how that happens?!

From Lord Byron:  "On with the dance!  Let joy be unconfined..."

A Moment From My Day:
And more dancing and singing from my day!  Spending time with my granddaughter by attending one of her mother's pre-school music classes!

Such fun; and I get to do it again three more days!!

Well, that completes this week's Simple Woman's Daybook.  I haven't posted much lately; but hope to get back to it again.

It is good to be writing again!

And, maybe I'll do it again next week!!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Five Minute Friday - SING

Well, it is time for another Five Minute Friday, and here I am...writing again!  Be sure to check here for more information about the Five Minute Friday weekly posts.

This week's word is Sing:

I love to Sing!

Now, don't get me wrong...

I am NOT a singer!

I am a good "blender"; my voice blending with others does OK...

At least it did until a few years ago.

After years of allergies and sinus issues, and then lung issues that made it difficult to hold my breath or breathe properly as a singer...

I had to step down from singing with our Church Choir.

Riverside Ave. Christian Church
Chancel Choir
(I am third from the right on first row)

But, I still sing!

I sing in the car along with the radio or a favorite CD.

I sing at home while watching singing competitions or Dancing with the Stars.

And, yes, I do still sing with the choir...from the congregation; because I usually know the anthem they are singing!

Sometimes for special occasions or certain hymns, I will join in singing with the choir; but I sing very lightly!

Yes, I love to sing!  It fills my heart with reaches to the depths of my soul...

{And, I will end my "five" minutes here because this is actually leading into another post...for my Word Wednesday!  So, believe it or not, I'm posting again!!}