7/27/2021 – And it’s another day on this journey with all of the ups and downs, a rollercoaster ride for sure!!! Or, the detours and twists and turns, and the obstructions and dangers along the way…seems no day goes by without these things getting in the way of a perfectly normal, peaceful, fun, sunny, wonderful day!!
This morning it was the obstructions, not to mention the angry drivers who blamed the whole delay on ME!!! Haha!! First, I could barely squeeze into my car because the BIG truck next to me was entirely too close; like parked right on the line!! Then, at the corner where I turn to start out of the apartments, the lawn truck was parked on the wrong side and, I had to drive very carefully around him on the other side in case someone was coming from the other direction…which they were, driving quickly until he saw I was there and slowed down!!
On I drove towards the front gate, and there was another obstruction…a BIG MOVING TRUCK backing into the complex through the “EXIT ONLY” gate; so I had to back up and head out of the Entrance, but couldn’t get out because there was not enough room to squeeze through! And the cars were lining up behind me to also get out; and then one came who was trying to turn in!
Well, eventually we all were able to go leave (or come in), and I headed on down the highway…where two of those cars sped up behind me and then quickly drove around me, giving me mean looks like it was all my fault!!! Whatever!!!
By this time I am so frustrated, literally yelling at those drivers, other drivers, even at the sun…or at God Himself!!! It isn’t His fault; it isn’t my fault…nobody’s fault, I guess! But it is happening almost every time I try to do anything. No wonder I prefer to just stay home!!
Finally I arrived at the store; not really that far away! After a quick run into the store, I was able to get my package of stuffing for the casserole, with the proper “sell by” date of 2022!! And headed back home, safely! But with a very distinctive “smell” sitting beside me in the car…well, here goes another day in paradise on this journey of life!
How long will “making lemonade” keep me in good spirits as we continue this journey? I am not sure, but that lemonade was really good yesterday! So was the dessert “lemonade” – warmed chocolate fudge brownie with a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream. Yummy!! And I can’t wait to taste that chicken casserole when it’s baked later today.
On a good note – I found the perfect scrapbook paper and other supplies for “Making Lemonade” and placed an order!! I should receive it before my next retreat and can start making pages for my “Making Lemonade” pictures…yes! I AM documenting my journey because it was/is part of my Adventure and Special Vacation (which I will take one of these days!!)
Time to go bake today’s special lemonade…Chicken Casserole. And if you are interested in trying out this delicious casserole, here is the recipe, originally received from our Pastor’s wife years ago: