Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Write 28 Days - Day 21 - Just {FMF)

It's hard to believe the month of March will end this coming weekend.  I haven't done very well with this challenge; but am determined to write the rest of the words that were given...

So, for Day 21, which was a Five Minute Friday prompt, the word is:  JUST.

This word can be used in various ways:

1.  adj. - "showing no favor; true/correct.
2.  adv. - "(a) exactly, very nearly/ almost; (b) used to indicate the immediate past or future (he's just arrived; (c) only (we're just good friends); (d) now (at the present moment)."  
{Definitions from the "Newly Revised Edition of Webster's Student Dictionary"}

It's hard to say what I am trying to say!  I haven't been able to write lately, and the words just aren't coming...or they aren't very clear!

Not knowing what my future - or my husband's - keeps me on my feet to do what I can to be prepared!

That's not how it's supposed to work, is it?

We should...I able to just trust God that everything will be OK.

That He has everything taken care of; He is with me all the way.

Yeah?  Easier said than done!


Or, in other words:

You don't need to know the future to take the first step into it!

We...I...should not lose hope!

God works in "God Time"!

When the time is right...

His "right time".

I really do know that; and understand it...

In my head!  And, in my heart!

But my first reactions are to just do it!  As independent a person as I am, that is what my first reaction would be.

Not to step back and let God do it!

And that is just what I need to do!  Step back and let God do it in His time; and have the faith that He Will!

There will still be times when I just can't let it go!  When I have no idea what I want or need...

At those times, when I don't have the words to ask for what I want or need, I can just say one simple word...

One "simple" word that is so powerful!!

Just Say "Jesus"

Listen to these words:

Here are the words to this powerful song:
Just Say "Jesus"

Life gets tough, and times get hard
It’s hard to find the truth in all the lies
If you’re tired of wondering why
Your heart isn’t healing
And nothing feels like home
Cause your lost and alone just screaming at the sky

When you don’t know what to say
Just Say Jesus
There is power in the name
The Name of Jesus
If the words won’t come
Cause you’re too afraid to pray
Just Say Jesus

Whisper it now, or shout it out
However it comes out, He hears your cry
Out of nowhere He will come-you got to believe it
He will rescue you
Just call out to the Way, The Truth, The Life

When you don’t know what to say
Just Say Jesus
There is power in the name
The Name of Jesus
If the words won’t come
Cause you’re to afraid to pray
There is just One name
Strong enough to save
There is just One name
There is just One name

When you don’t know what to say
Just Say Jesus
There’s still power in the name
The Name of Jesus
If the words won’t come
Cause you’re too afraid to pray
If the words won’t come
And you don’t know what to say
Just Say Jesus

Go to Write 28 Days 2019 for a list of all  posts for this challenge.  Even though the challenged ended on February 28th, I am still attempting to write the last few posts; it's taking me a while, but I do plan to finish the rest of the prompted words!

To check out my first Write 31 Days challenge from 2014, "31 Days of Dementia's Demands", go to Barbara's Blog.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Write 28 Days - Day 23 - Reach

Today is Thursday, March 7th; the day after Ash Wednesday.  The beginning of the Season of Lent...

I should be thinking of the days leading up to the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The One who died on the cross...

For US!

But instead, what am I doing...

I am reaching out to my computer for the words that will help me focus.

Words that will help me to see that I am not alone!

There are others around me - though not directly in front of me - who understand.  Those who will listen and help me to focus.

Yet, I feel stuck.  I feel there is nobody that understands exactly what I am going through.

I reach out to Him who has my future - and my now - in His hands.


I feel alone!

I feel stuck!

I feel lost!


I still feel.

There is something to be said about that...

Even as I reach into the nothing in front of me.

I still feel...

Go to Write 28 Days 2019 for a list of all  posts for this challenge.  Even though the challenged ended on February 28th, I am still attempting to write the last few posts!

To check out my first Write 31 Days challenge from 2014, "31 Days of Dementia's Demands", go to Barbara's Blog.